Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta... Zettai Zetsumei! Hametsu Sunzen Hen - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Lady Romance No…

Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
When you remember that Sophia had to suffer for OVER A DECADE in this timeline, this chapter becomes so intensely sad, especially when remembering that

Sophia is A-chan's reincarnation...
Active member
May 6, 2020
Usually, I'm rooting for Maria or just full on harem, but I think I might end up favoring Sophia this round. Poor girl has probably been miserable for a whole decade by now, and despite the time change Katarina not only has a novel buddy, but also finds her genuinely attractive. Also, it'd be interesting to see how her relationship develops given that Katarina only had her memories appear briefly and much later on, much like Sophia only getting vague vibes for a long period of time.

All I'm saying is, I'm happy Sophia's content with friendship in the main story generally, but I'd love to see if she changes and goes for gold here.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
The fact that Sophia is also her best friend sets this up like a romance. Both of them reading shoujo ai in their next lives and then becoming friends using one of the lines from that same novel, this is my new favorite ship 😭that was so sweet
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 18, 2019
@Nunally I wonder if the fact that she hasn't read the book with the count in it yet might have an impact on her reaction - like in the original timeline she's hyped up his "devilish count" powers in her head way more after thinking of him as that book character and watching people swooning over him left and right for years. Whereas here, she just met the dude (ditz probs didn't remember him from the parties), only had vague info from Acchan on him, so has a more natural reaction rather than her stupid headcanon warping stuff.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2018
@NamelessSoldier @Antares_Angel To be fair, Sophia always has the support of her family. In every timeline Maria has been suffering by herself since young childhood because her father was insecure and left his family. She still has it worse.
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2019
so certain things remain constant for our bakarina!!! omg but if you think about it, sophia in the original game timeline never did find someone... that's so sad???? IT'S BAD ENOUGH THIS SOPHIA HAD TO WAIT FOR SO LONG TO HAVE A FRIEND SLKJDSLJK BAKARINAAAAA I'M GLAD YOU SAVED HER SO EARLY IN THE OTHER SERIES 😭😭😭 also
sophia should still be acchan right??? so they're destined!! to be!!! friends at the very least lol aw :'))) lowkey ship it tho, but i do ship it way more in THIS version than in the other one lol

i guess this nicol is going to fall for our bakarina too, though i expect(ed?) him to be more like "um wtf" bc like... he's the prince's friend?? isn't he familiar with villainess!katarina??? maybe we'll get more from his perspective next time

thank you for the update!!
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2019
@Mangareader true lmao but i would still like to see his thought process negl. you're right though, that smile signaled the flag is up
Group Leader
May 29, 2020
Ah indeed! What I meant is "fine hair"!
I thought they both meant the same, but I guess I still have some progress to make in English... :(

I will fix it later, thanks for the feedback!
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019
Wait, it was a kinda mistranslation?? I thought it was just Katarina being Bakarina.. lol XD

It wasn't exactly my intention, but you're welcome~ I'm happy that i helped a little.. 🤣
Aggregator gang
May 20, 2020
SO PRECIOUSSSS. This setting with Katarina being older is so much more gratifying!! Thank you for translating!!!
May 9, 2019
A pity we are still getting the same beats in the alter that we got in the main story, but, whatevs, still love cute Sophia
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 23, 2020
@mammaria I'm guessing he's been so focused on keeping an eye on his sister that he hasn't had time to observe other people, including how Katarina used to be. So this is probably the first time he's properly interacted with her, and she's made quite a favorable impression.

@Serverclosed Katarina has to work harder this time around, so each win feels more earned. The storytelling is also more nuanced; the original series always felt like a gag manga, which I loved but it also did feel a bit one-dimensional more often than not.
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2019
@chonkury oh right, that makes sense actually!!! 😳 i'd accept this... poor sophia;; i do hope we get to see more from his pov

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