Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu - Vol. 13 Ch. 64 - Reality of the Kingdom

Group Leader
Jan 20, 2023
Enough politics, talk with those two already.

Thank for the chapter!
Double-page supporter
Jan 11, 2023
Page 13, upper left panel, shouldn't it be "That there'd be such discrimination towards men" instead?

I mean there was an insurance fraud scheme perpetrated by the women by sending their husbands to their deaths.
i think it should had being resentment towards woman because I don't think the queen has a good grasp of how bad the man of the kingdom being treated
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
Thanks for the new chapter!

Waifu #3 is asking for help - can't decline her now, would you?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
if you study spartan culture you kinda get the gist of it.

I always see their society similar to sparta we always see sparta being a warrior class all the cool dudes but in reality their a bunch of cucks where the dude goes to war and the woman gets life insurance when they die at certain point a handful of women held sparta not even the politicians held power cause all the woman just had to do is keep marrying men send them to war and get their stuff when they die. slowly sparta degraded and shat itself to death.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2024
I... kinda understood that, but I have a strong feeling they don't. They focused on controlling the nobles in the short term but really just hastened the fall of Rome. The people with power and influence are even more self centered and quick to hop sides based on whose most likely to win and gives them the most promise. They just BARELY made it through this war because of literal hax abilities and realistically (going off this not being a game and the MC not being there), not even the royal ship would have saved them.

I get the end goal is for the commoners to replace the nobles, but that still leaves a massive power vacuum that takes a lot of time and work to overcome (and nothing in the plan suggested how they'd deal with that). Also once the commoners replace the nobles it's just a game of hop skotch for the commoners to decide they don't need royals either. But I'm not even sure they'll get to that point. Above all else a nation state needs a strong sense of loyalty, pride, and nationalism. You need people that care about the state and are willing to give for it... and like... whose that?

The plan made most of the nobles selfish and shifted the power balance to women who just squander resources not unlike the Roman collesum days when all the people didn't care about Rome, just about entertaining themselves. The commoners haven't exactly been empowered or treated the way they'd need to be to instill a real sense of duty and loyalty. The non terrible nobles we just got told are only not terrible because they expect the royals to kill for the terrible ones.

So not too much different than modern day politicians 🙄
The novel actually called it for what it is - an attempt to replace feudalism with absolute monarchy. Historically, there were no contrived plots to elevate women above men in politics, but there was a concentrated effort to weaken feudal lords, who up to this point were the main source of a country's military power. This succeded in Western Europe, France in particular is a great example. The monarch gained all the power and replaced the forces of the nobles with a conscripted national military under his own authority. This didn't happen everywhere though. In Poland, the nobles were so powerful, that absolutism never manifested, they continued to gain power at the expense of the king, until the king himself was elected by feudal lords.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
The whole setting feels convoluted and I feel like the only reason it wound up this way is because the author started the series with "Women hold all the power" then got to the war arc and realized he gave the power to men still and needed a way to work around that weird discrepancy.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2023
OK...this was the single silliest excuse for having a woman supremacy(if not tyranny) centric kingdom...
It explained nothing other than the "reason".
But not, why the men, who obviously constitute most in not the entirety of the workforce, the military and merchant power, took the creation of such a caste system where they are at the bottom without fighting back?

If nothing else instituting such a system would be a surefire way to destroy the kingdom in many ways.

A) Not only nobles but commoners as well were greatly affected, that in and by itself are grounds for a good old revolution followed by having each and every member of the royal family visit the guillotine(or whatever other method they use in that world).

B) It would all but ensure that wealthy merchants and other wealthy individuals would cut ties from the kingdom and leave before their wealth becomes property of a woman whom they are forced to marry.

C) It would also ensure that an and all capable men would leave the kingdom for places where their talents would be rewarded, instead of them being turned into essentially slaves for women who live off lavishly from the results of the male hard labor.

D) It would kill any and all motivation for productivity. What's the point of being productive, when in the end all your hard work's earnings will go to a random woman who does nothing all day but literally fuck around with her boy-toy slaves, who technically might even outrank you.

And for those who will say "well Nobles of antiquity were the same", well no, it was a class system but the nobles made sure to have the military power(a well rewarded military power) to suppress the lower classes, in this manga world, the lower classes ARE the military power AND are treated as such.
Yet they keep taking it...it's ridiculous.
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Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2023
The whole setting feels convoluted and I feel like the only reason it wound up this way is because the author started the series with "Women hold all the power" then got to the war arc and realized he gave the power to men still and needed a way to work around that weird discrepancy.
And he failed miserably.
There is no way such a stupid decision would blindside all other people. Heck, the socioeconomic ramifications that change must have created are ignored.

Men have all the power, military economic and constitute the entire workforce of the kingdom....and we are somehow expected to believe that the Royals have somehow managed to trick everyone of their male subjects into turning themselves into a third class citizen, and be subservient to females.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
I'm no feminist, but this reasoning they have for weakening the nobles is incredibly sexist and rather offensive. It basically hinges on women being less capable at politics and power plays than men (which is flat out wrong) and how this would cause the power of the noble class to diminish. Maybe in wartime, yes, as it is still the men who fight in wars and hold the military power. But in peacetime, this makes zero sense.

...or I'm totally misunderstanding something, because sadly the chapter's explanation was incredibly badly phrased and I could only gather the above from the comments here.
It hing on the fact that men still fight war and die . no shit women especially upper class(even in modern world rich people are fucking moronic and noble is even more chornic moron) would turn to shit. it kinda not shit in our world cause you know women didn't have right to rule so they really have to be competent at manage kingdom when the king go to die in a war or else they would got marie antonet treatment. imagin dark age if we were to send women to die in war as a matter of fact. it would breed degenacy in a world record.
i think you misunderstand the word "peace" queen use. she mean the nation didn't kill itself in civi war kind of peace.
don't forget that at the start of story leon's "mom" going to send him to fight and die?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
That was too many words for something so contrived. Is there any TL;DR?
TLDR: Past royals wanted to cuck the nobles by making them useless and replacing them with commoners while cucking them with wasteful wives who'd care more about their slave harems.

They didn't expect the women to actually take power and to have even the prince ending up a simp desperate for female attention at the academy, where women are incredibly privileged until they end up as unmarried forever spinsters in adulthood or get lucky and get married where they take control of the household and fuck it up.

Higher nobles were supposed to avoid those and mostly did but it wasn't enough to avoid the disaster which created an entier class of useless vain parasites while the nobles became useless and disloyal without getting replaced.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
This conversation made 0 cause-consequence sense. Also, if the plan is to eradicate nobility i'm all for it. Not even violently too, just slowly taking away their power. What even is wrong with that?!?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
Mylene 64

In hentai this should be the point the mom gives him favor

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