Overgeared - Ch. 1

Sep 24, 2019
Aet on the same level of Solo Leveling, im actually crying.

Time for the 1st Arc! Scummy and selfish, pre-charscter development Grid!

The grid in this is about 150 or 200 chapters in. Thidbwas after the town seige I thinkz sincenhe already has Failure, and right after this is the God Hands.
Mar 27, 2020
Ohohohohoho for someone that has a cool armor, he got the baby face kukukukuku
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 17, 2018
Art looks similar to solo leveling is it the same artist? Either way looks interesting
Mar 13, 2019
This new manga portrayed the tail wrong too...
That tail is supposed to look different. If i remember right, its supposed to be a tail-like chain attached to his belt with a blade at the end which is made only of that weird golden metal, dunno why its also red and its coming out of the armor here. Btw he ends up dumping the tail design the next chapter in the novel because its unconvenient to use and just reforges it into a drone/pet
Aggregator gang
Oct 10, 2018
He will become peakaxe latter LOL
I can't imagine peak sword with that face that will joke around with pon, baldner, faker and the other...
Oh wait faker... Is he will portrayed same as the LoL pro player ?

@j4cp yeah you're right, it should be belt with red lines that showed because the effect of the stone when he ask that grandma for coating right? If i remember it correctly...
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Wow. This one got the tail totally wrong as well. The tail is made up of 30 needles that can move on their own and is not actually part of his armor. Also his armor is more piecemeal. The gloves, chest, and head are of one set. The rest (shoulder, cloak, pants/legs, boots) are various other items. So far the first comic did a much better job of setting up the story.

Also for those that don't know, the title comes from Korean gamer slang that ruffly translates to "item system". It a dig meaning that a player doesn't have the ability to win using skill or strategy, but has to win with items that boost their stats. Its similar to saying you have to be level 50 to beat the level 20 monsters because you're such a poor player.

Also the main character's in game name is "Greed"[ENG]. However the author didn't use the standard way of writing an English words in Korean so it wasn't known to the translator till MUCH latter.
[TL from ch 1089]
(TL Note: Small explanation, MC’s name in Korean is 그리드, which is pronounced Geu-ri-d.’ It could be both Grid or Greed but I chose to go with Grid because I thought Grid was a better name and this isn’t the common Korean word used for Greed. It wasn’t until a few hundred chapters later where the author wrote the name in English that I discovered it was ‘Greed.’ Still, I kept the name Grid because readers are used to it and I prefer it better. Some names sound weird when translated to English and used in an English sentence, such as Lord and Greed. But the essence of Grid’s name means ‘greed.’)
Aug 15, 2020
MC should wear a helmet.. His armor makes his appearance look ugly in my opinion and what’s the point in armor when you can’t even protect one vital limb.
Double-page supporter
Jun 20, 2019
i get second hand embarassment just from looking at the MCs armor. if he looks like that even 10 percent of the time i think im gonna have to skip the webtoon serialization and just read the novel instead.
Double-page supporter
Jun 20, 2019
ive tried to start reading this a dozen times, and every time i stop at the first chapter because i cant take it seriously when i see him wearing that goofy ass fucking mess of an armor set. my skeleton literally cringes out of my body and presses the close tab button for me before i can think.

im sure the story is cool. wish i could read it

edit: skipping forward and looking at art from future chapters has given me the strength to power through and attempt to read this
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