@LeidXenos story relying on yourself is of course not bad, but that's where it's lack in term of stories. Lack of depth in other characters. I mean even the mc lack depth. It's pretty much get stronger. Protect people he cared about. Face the final battle. Become someone people can rely on? what a joke. he only become stronger because he can and because he wants to take revenge on the dungeon boss. He doesn't care much about other people except people he close with. Second Coming of Gluttony is another novel that i would put even above solo leveling since it has so many interesting characters that grew over the course of the story. I would compare solo leveling to something like Everyone Else is a Returnee. But i gave up on that because it's focusing too much on the mc getting stronger. The reason i manage to finish SL is only because it was a short novel. I don't need something about friendship or growing stronger together but at least the other characters should have some interesting story to them that will somehow collide with mc's interest or something.
Let's see, his mother and his sister become insignificant after he saved them.
His father, well, that was disappointed.
National treasure hunters, hyped but useless.
Demons he side with in the dungeon, insignificant and forgotten after he cleared the dungeon.
Yoo jin ho, doesn't even grow and not even a comic relief.
Cha Hae In, S ranker but become damsel in distress and totally useless afterward.