
May 18, 2019
I dont know how its decided by artist group,but entering to Overgeared story like that... I dont think they will tell the story, and they probably will drop this manga in lile 20-30 chapter and we'll be upset again. Sooo... As Grid says, dont make your expection high
Feb 20, 2019
I understand that all artists want to add a touch to their illustrations, but when I see this, it does not resemble the novel in the least.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
A reboot is necessary for settling it with the new artists. There could be a wreck if they are continuing it with a different artist. Their style could be different. I prefer the first one because its fun to read. Well, this is still chapter 1. Glad this one being revived
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
@grom those two are dropped list for me. Returnee is a bit childish to me. The side character too dependant to the mc. That was patethic. Moonlight sculptor is good for the start. But it went boring after he teamed up. Why its just exciting when he do it alone or when he thought the sculptor's plot. I don't like the execution of the story. Well, i agree with you the worldbuilding depicted in ms is good
Mar 7, 2019
Hmmm , what item GRID wear? I forgot, must read the novel again ...
Thanks for translating 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🙏
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
gonna be honest i wrote too much
The first adaptation did extremely well in explaining how powerful the first boss is, via the use of clearly defining each character through the eyes of who was recognised as one of the most powerful players in the game, and having each player wear their own items, some even looking dumb- but that's what you get for only picking armour for their stats. Although the original adaptions fight was short, it described all the key events in the fight, such as all of the rankers charging, all support players casting AOE spells and most off all showing the thoughts of the silver knights general, how his sword a sword that is owned by one of the top players and therefore would not be weak had been reduced to 0 durability. The original showed that The silver knights general had not given up and fought till the end just to get the boss to reach it's second phase. The original showed that Grid wasn't just going to a high level zone just to show off, he was there to gather materials. Grid wore a cloak and he never took it off, it was the silver general who took off Grids cloak when he was questioning him. This gave a clear empathies on how this games engine works by showing that another player can disarm another with relative difficulty as real life, and didn't paint Grid as a cocky brat who just wants to show off. Of course I'm not saying Grid wasn't cocky, I'm saying he only acted how any person who's had a high level account in a game acts when fighting a boss. You run in. Kill it. Get the drops you want. Pawn off or just drop the drops you don't want.

Now to analyse the fight with the boss in the new overgeared =)
First things first: Who in the hell makes their character an old man unless they're playing a mage? The fight ended too fast to really analyse, it was simply "the boss attacked" and "everyone who isn't gonna make Grid look better died," The silver knights general had no injuries, which begs the question: What happened to the other rankers? Shouldn't they be practically unscathed if this guy is too? And if they are unscathed then where are they? Also the chapter implies that this boss has been fought before by mentioning the spawn timer, and having Grid already know what he wants as soon as he arrives, and if this is the case then why wasn't there any preparation? Even if you say that Grid was a distraction to the general I seriously doubt that all of the high ranking players would ignore such a powerful boss to stare at a guy in rags- at least one player would try to prevent their death. There's also the addition of there being no unique rankers in the fight- everyone is wearing the same uniform without any customisation which is, as anyone who has played any MMORPG can likely notice has not ever been a thing, even in the days of runescape you could get different variants of rune armour that provides unique advantages. This makes the fight in the new overgeared appear like some low level guild somehow managed to convince the top players not to fight a timed world boss, rather than a proper high level raid.

Well I just spent like 30 minutes rereading the same content over and over again comparing three separate variations of the same thing only to close the damn tab without saving.
Now to compare the LN, the first adaptation, and the second adaptation. for the second time.

The first adaptation, in comparison to the LN:
The first adaptation has very little problems in the appearance of the characters or level design, however there are two issues, that I've recognised, that need to be pointed out. the first being the quote from the LN "It was an elegant blend of red, black and gold." The first adaptation elects to remove the gold from the character design for Grid completely. The other issue is Hell Gao is described in the LN as wielding a staff, The first adaptation replaces this with a sword. Apart from this there is also the issue with how Grid acts, In the LN he is cocky, but his cockiness isn't just a dog without teeth barking. Grid has power and he acts knowing this. However in the first adaptation Grid acts far more mellow than in the LN counterpart, although he acts cocky he isn't matching up with the level of show-off in the LN. And I don't know where in this segment to add this so Imma put this at the end. The confusion the silver knights general has doesn't match up to the absolute dumbfounded-ness he has in the LN, and also his instant assumption that Grid is an idiot that stumbled upon the cave is mostly inaccurate.

The second adaptation, in comparison to the LN:
For the second adaptation I'm going to start with appearance again. the quote "It was an elegant blend of red, black and gold." applies here as well. Grids armour in the second adaptation severely lacks any black, there are only red highlights, and all the other qualities of the armour looks like impure tin being worn as armour. Hell Gao's weapon, although closer to a staff than the first had done still appears to more so resemble a halberd, I would say a spear but the blade goes down too far. I do like how the second adaptations authors decided to utilise the game system to have the silver knights search up Grids name in the rankings, however the rankings (from what I can assume from reading a small amount of the LN) appear to be automated and are determined by the actions of players, that being said a player with a legendary class, unique equipment, and farming bosses as if they're LVL 1 trash mobs would likely put your name somewhere, even if you don't actively participate in PVP and the overall games community. To add to all this, Grid is shown to be about the same amount of cockiness, if not more, as in the LN, but he doesn't have the abilities to match up to the LN version of Grid.

Overall things that both adaptations have ignored from the LN:
Things such as Grid's tail being able to fight Hell Gao by itself, the gold colouration in the armour. There's also that the majority of time Grid mutters everything he says to himself, the only times he spoke to others are "Why are you just standing there blankly? It’s hot now, but it will only just get hotter.” and "It’s the item effect.” The second adaptation attempted to do this but in my personal opinion didn't carry the same emotions through. I believe that this moment is to show that this character can genuinely feel a grain of humanity for other people and wanted the silver knights to leave before they all died and had penalties for their deaths. The adaptations version makes it appear as if Grids an idiot who doesn't get the fact that people can be weaker than him, but still decides to look down on them. It shows that rather than being cocky he just acts like a twat for no reason whatsoever.

Imma just put the edit in this spoiler, don't worry it's not as long as the other "spoilers"
After reading the other chapters of the reboot off-site, this overall doesn't seem too bad. I still don't completely like it yet but imma keep reading and just like the LN, hope it gets better with time. Comparing it to the older version probably isn't a good way for me to read this so I'll just read it as if it's a different series altogether.

but to sum it all up:
The LN and first adaptation's equipment looked more visually appealing in comparison to this.
Runescape equipment is better
Runscape is better
Jun 8, 2019
Let me guess, MC gets/starts with OP powers relative to everyone else, quickly obtains a 10/10 love interest which expands into a harem, all the girls remain madly in love with the MC forever even though he shows zero interest in them, all the villains are badly written and kick puppies for fun and every arc is the MC basically making girls wet as more and more girls throw themselves at him.

How close am I?
May 24, 2019
wait, wasnt this axed?

pretty sure i've read this sometime ago.
Jan 20, 2018
>Let me guess,

Oh boy

>MC gets/starts with OP powers relative to everyone else,

The class sucks so much at the start its not remotely funny, while other blacksmiths have automatic methods, he's full manual. He also restarts from level 1 (Was 76 when it got the item but i think he was originally 300+ but he died so much it went to 76)

>Quickly obtains a 10/10 love interest which expands into a harem, all the girls remain madly in love with the MC forever even though he shows zero interest in them

Not quickly, not quite a harem, they are kinda mad in love with him, he does show some interest but self esteem sucks so much he could not even think about a relationship with them. He's got a (Cyber)Wife so real life GF took a backseat (Although its getting somewhat there 600 to 700 chapters in). Now that i think about it, yeah he's kinda getting open to a "Harem" but only on the Virtual side.

>all the villains are badly written and kick puppies for fun

Nope nope and nope, villains are not Shakespeare class written or anything but they are not that plain, in fact the "villian" changes from time to time but there is not big bad evil in the story i would say.

>and every arc is the MC basically making girls wet as more and more girls throw themselves at him.

Stop embarrasing yourself, its a huge big nope. Edit: I kinda remembered, its not "making girls wet while they throw themselves at it", replace girls with "old guys" kinda XD.

>How close am I?

I don't think you were even aiming at the general direction.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 7, 2019
I really dont get stuff like this, i mean, the plot maybe good, but the "its a virtual world" just kills every suspense for me, it may function if you do the "die when dies ingame" and "cant log out"-move, but aside from that there is just no danger and while i like OP chars, if there is no danger for no one in the end, its just plain.

And dont feed the Question2-troll... copy pastes this shit under literally every fantasy manga he can find, he should just get a hobby or something...

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