
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
I really gave this a shot, read all the way to chapter 38 before getting sick of the mc's blatant lack of any IQ. This is literally just a worse version of legendary moonlight sculptor without any of the cunning and resourcefulness that weed showed, the mc in this just completely goes around with zero learning ability until the universe bends to his will.
Group Leader
Apr 21, 2020
By looking through over a hundred reviews of the OG novel these were the best that matched my thoughts

My quick thoughts without spoilers

This is a waste of time I never read a good novel that has over 1000 chapters I don’t know why I thought this was different. It’s a combination of the worst Japanese dense protag and worst Wuxia self centered arrogant protag.

Short but concise review
Webtoon caught my interest, so I decided to give this a try (since everyone was talking about Grid's development)
and honestly it's garbage. Sure he does get better, until he reverts right back to his petty selfish ways. I don't like perfect characters at all, but Grid is such as piece of garbage that even his improved self pisses me off. The author did a good job building up the side characters and making them unique and interesting, and then at one point they just exist to show the power difference between Grid and "top rankers". Every side character around him seems to exist for the sake of sucking his d*ck for just to guzzle down a load of "overgeared" equipment that hardly gets mentioned. Jishuka and Yura were great female characters, both strong willed and aiming for the top spot, until they start acting like personal onaholes for Grid. "OMG no man has ever eluded my absolute beauty and talked to me in such a rude manner, f*ck ME!!" for all the exposition about Grid's absolute shittyness, it's frustrating to see the formerly strong characters getting on their knees everytime Grid is mentioned. Also f*ck off with the annoying Korean nationalism, I'm Korean born and raised and I hate everytime the author goes on about the greatness of Korea and evil of foreign countries. Props to all the Americans who could deal with that shit.
Don't get me wrong, no way I could read 400+ chapters of something I hate. Overgeared does have it's moments, but it's like the ratio of real life and Satisfy. For every line of hype, there's 2-3 lines of absolute tr*sh stuffed in. It's not even wish/fantasy fulfillment because one can't possibly see themselves as selfish/ret*rded/egotistical/dense/childish as Grid. Sorry, reading this might have given me an extra chromosome.

A bit long but it illustrates every reason why this is the worst novel
I have read till chapter 1091 and wanted to wait to make a review
This is honestly one of the most frustrating, idiotic and annoying stories written
First 200-300 chapters the MC is a total tr*sh person. He is utterly s*upid, annoying, and jealous of everyone. His estimated IQ is around 50-60
The author tried to show this whole "journey" of how a person grows but come on 700-800 chapters and still he is a total idiot
It is constantly mentioned every few chapters whenever he meets anyone how ugly he is. NPCS, People in real life, and so on. The amazingly because he is eating chicken instead of ramen and working out now he becomes good looking. Thats the biggest bs I have ever heard
Also author uses the one girl who betrayed him early as an excuse to nor trust for the next around 957 chapters. Then he throws all the work for the kingdom because he admits he's not smart on Lauel whose really smart. He throws all the responsibility for managing everything on his guild people and doesnt really actively try to even help. He has the mindset it is "work" to even talk to those people. He corrects himself after freaking 900ish chapters.
Romance: Dont get me started. I was so freaking annoyed the whole time. Jishuka and Yura have done a lot for him but every couple of chapters it is shown they like him but he plays it off as a typical oblivious character. His excuse no way would anyone like me and because he got betrayed. Now this would be fine but author brings up every few chapters they like him and he ignores it and they feel hurt. This repeats over and over and over. If you dont want him to be with someone dont include every few chapters someone liking him and there being no progress. Also he is a blacksmith but not once did he think let me make equipment for my wife who has been in several dangerous situations. It is honestly absurd how the whole thing is written. He never tried to het her level up or make equipment or nothing.
Around chapter 957 Yura finally comes out and says will you date me and he thinks shes crazy and says why would you want to go out with someone like me. She actually explains it all and he is like I dont believe it you're mistaken.... instead of sitting and finishing a talk he goes in the bathroom in the mirror and starts posing. Then after this confessions its ignored and he goes on dates with her but his purpose is that she will realize she doesnt like me and is mistaken. It's honestly ridiculous at this point. Jishuka moves in with him but no progression. What sucks is both of them really care about him so it gets frustrating watching that over and over every few chapters. Then around chapter 1080ish Yura is like is the reason you arent accepting to go out with me because I am weak in the game and cant help.... so like an idiot he doesnt try to communicate and lets her live with a misunderstanding and shes like lets stop going out on dates

My review (I had a positive outlook while reading the comic so I let a lot of red flags slide)
He is utter trash and garbage, I wanted to rip him to pieces and the amount of anger after reading this novel couldn’t be contained. He seems to improve after 100 chapters however 50 around chapters later I realize somethings wrong, I thought calling people slave was suppose to be a joke, the racist remarks were to be comedic relief but it wasn’t it was literally kept and everyone was happy to be his slave. He believes himself to be the protagonist he treats everyone like a slave, it shows some self reflection like “oh I can’t believe I treated them this way” but still goes and does it anyways. Instead of having a harem he’s a dense protagonist who can’t kill an npc but is willing to threaten somebody who he knows he’s wronged while kidnapping their son. He’s also more arrogant than a Wuxia protagonist. He disregards everyone and only begins to listen for plot convenience. He’s always never unlucky everything is meant to work in his favor. The fact he struggles to make legendary’s is because it’ll be tougher to earn stat increase from item production. He ends up earning more stats than any class because of this making him unrivaled. He doesn’t learn to fight or have any battle awareness, he just sticks to the games combos. And basic gaming knowledge that EVERY gamer knows, he learns hundreds of chapters later which makes him stronger. He doesn’t enjoy learning and believes that he’s the best, he’s a lazy ass person who throws all his work to other people while he gets lucky. He disrespects people and it says he feels sorry but continues to abuse them. Every woman falls in love with the MC almost immediately. The love interests basically fall in love but never get acknowledged while he reaps benefits from them. They’re very obvious about it their affection, a comment states Yura confesses but he says, “go on a date with me so that you realize you’re wrong”. If you wanted romance then look for another comic. He’s pathetic, greedy, lazy, abusive, narcissistic, power hungry and a piece of human garbage! I regret ever reading the novel, my veins were protruding and got a headache from all the inhumane things he did![/ spoiler]
Dec 7, 2020
@WarringChamp Hard agree, damn. Anyone who read the novel knows exactly what's stupid about this story. MC is the biggest bitch I've ever seen. There is absolutely no justification for his behavior and lack of trust towards women; what he needs is therapy. The Korean nationalism is emphasized and unrealistic. Too many Korean and Chinese web/light novels I've read depict the rest of the world as monsters. I love Korea, but I hate over-nationalistic ideals and this web novel.

MC might actually be suffering from clinically diagnosed mental retardation. The author pines way too hard for the MC to the point that it's annoying and writes everything out for you to read like you're an idiot. It's clear to see that the author is just writing a bad character to have easy character development, but even the developed character is still bad. I don't hate the author, I just hate how the author decided to write this story. Could've been a compelling plot, but this is aimed for those who want a braindead read, so whatever.
Nov 8, 2020
@sedition @WonderingWonderWale @rxbc @WarringChamp

i promise you, ive read the WN up to the latest chapter, it gets so much better. some might consider the next words spoilers so i'll censor it, but
the MC's personality improves dramatically as the story goes on. at the beginning he's a selfish asshat, sure, but he grows up and becomes a mature adult as the story continues. so it'll take a while, but eventually the MC will become bearable, then likable.

also, on from about chapter 700 on, the story starts to make a little more sense instead of just being a power trip. the characters introduced are also much more developed and the personalities have a lot more depth to them instead of just being plot points and disposable characters. you just kinda have to get into the flow of it before you can read it properly
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018

I don't care if the MC is likeable, I just want the story to have some sense of reality, nobody is as dense as the MC in real life, I want realistically written people. Not a boring cardboard cut out that only exists to move the plot forward.
Feb 10, 2021
Greetings adventurer and fellow reader. I am the god of binge reading, DeVries. It seems you've stumbled upon a great story. If you accept the quest of reading it you will receive 1 heartwarming tale of a man on a mission to free himself and his family from debt. After that's done you find an awesome isekai power battle! If you refuse you gain nothing. This story receives my blessing and is the first to do so. As it were normally i would give this a B+, but as it is the first story to receive my blessing it shall receive an instant A grade. Good luck adventurer, and have fun. Be Good!
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 4, 2020
@DeVriesS O' DeVriesS, Great God of Binge Reading, might your holy self bless us with guidance on how we may find quality content? I pray for your sacred wisdom.
Feb 10, 2021
@IEatWater Dearest adventurer, I have left my blessing to this story and I have many more stories to read and distribute my blessings upon. Look out for the comments as you read, not only to find notes of my journey as i binged before you, but a general good plan as you can find some pretty cool stuff there. As for my guidance I have none but to look inside yourself and seek out what you desire. Use the tags to discover new content similar to stories you've enjoyed thus far and be sure to be invested in your well being over your passion for binging. To read into the night is fun but dangerous, be sure to look around you and be aware that you are existing not as a soul in front of a page, but as a person in a place. Lastly and most importantly remember to have fun and be good!
Jan 7, 2021
Plotline's pretty alright, MC makes it hard to read at times because of how greedy and selfish he is at times, also feels like they went with making it a game theme instead of an Isekai theme to justify the MC's shitty personality but it also ends up making the game seem terribly desiigned
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2020
It has more than 200 chapters

It has 199 on Reaperscans, why stop for 3 months, Electromaster?

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