The ability to shoot in the future is still very Safe. If you have the recorded date, location, and angle, you can just cover up the shot and keep it contained. It's the ability to shoot into the past that makes it Keter. The whole time traveling aspect of it means that it is either perfectly Safe or fully Keter. If there are no signs of it being fired from the future into the present (i.e. no unconfirmed shots fired by the SCP at the location), then it is completely safe since it will never breach containment. However, as soon as there is an instance of it being fired from the future, this means that it is 100% uncontained. It
will breach containment sometime in the future and there is no method to contain shots coming from the future. Hence, it is Keter.
The only question is whether the shots into the past can change the future. EX: gun was confirmed keter and they place it under maximum security. Does this security mean that they are now in a situation where the gun doesn't breach containment? Or does the gun still breach containment anyways? Or does the fact that it's under max security > it doesn't breach containment > no message is sent to the past so it's under minimum security > it breaches containment > bullets are fired into the past > it gets declared as keter > they place it under max security create a timeloop?
To be honest, if I was the Foundation, I would actually get somebody to go to the locations, fire the bullets, resolve the timeloop, and cover it with as many locks and barriers as possible. Then hope like hell that I don't get another report of 710-JP breaching containment.