Subject: Dr. Diamond
Note: Dr. Diamond has requested testing on whether or not SCP-1162 is sentient, specifically if it can respond to written messages. Also, he wishes to find out where exactly the lost items disappear to, and if there is a correlation regarding location of disappeared objects.
Item Retrieved: A large amount of fecal matter in a plastic bag.
Item Lost: One (1) folded-up piece of wide-ruled notebook paper with “How are you doing today” written on the inside in pencil.
Notes: I remember this! I was going to sell it to a science lab for DNA testing like, a year ago. Don’t look at me like that.
Item Retrieved: One (1) pair of tie-dyed socks, the size for a 7th grader.
Item Lost: One (1) iPod playing “For Your Love” by the Yardbirds on loop setting on full volume.
Notes: We could still hear the music after the device disappeared, although it did sound more distant. Investigation of the sound revealed the device stuck inside a wall on the floor directly under this one. Maybe SCP-1162 teleports all of the items lost below itself somewhere in the ground. This should be investigated.
Item Retrieved: One (1) purple round ball.
Item Lost: One (1) small metallic tracking device courtesy of the SCP electronics development team.
Notes: Device was recovered from an oil tanker in the middle of the Red Sea.
-Well, there goes that hypothesis.