Nothing I said was intended to be nor written as an insult. Everything I said was said with the intent to emphasize that the proofreading quality of the chapter was very low, and that I sincerely hoped you would improve it, or at least improve future releases. In case that wasn't clear, let me be blunt: I do not know you, nor do I care enough to insult you. I want to read good manga in well-translated English, and this is anything but that. Do not associate me calling your work low-quality with me calling you a bad worker, even. I cannot do any part of the manga scanlation process apart from the proofreading, as I am not remotely competent with editing software, and I cannot speak nor read Japanese. I have nothing but respect for the people who can do those things.
Apart from that, I have two things to say.
@Pauline_Camille896, proofreading is
what I do. I am picky because I value a high-quality reading experience and consider bad proofreading to be counter to that. The chapter being good and the proofreading for that chapter being good are two different things. I called the proofreading atrocious because the proofreading was atrocious. I love this manga and want to see it translated in the best quality it can be translated in, and the quality of the latest chapter's proofreading falls far short of what I hope for. As I said, it has nothing to do with the person doing the proofreading and is hardly an
attack on them.
@Lambdadelta_Umineko, since you brought up the work I do, let me correct you on what you picked out as bad proofreading: that is
slang, written like that because the character saying it is
Irish (or an Irish equivalent on what is more or less an alternate Earth) and that is how some Irish people
speak. I would know, seeing as I am part Irish; I'm literally eligible for an Irish citizenship.