Panlong - Ch. 147

May 19, 2018
Sure hatigarm doesn't release often, but at least they put up some quality.
Don't rush it and check the pages before you post them(page 3 is a good example of what not to do).
Jul 21, 2018
Great job on updating the series!! Thank you!! Made an account just to compliment you. We true fans appreciate your effort in translating the chapters. Sure, it is highly appreciated if you are careful when translating and writing character names, but then again, those who are complaining can offer to help with the proof-reading instead of bitching. If you have a patreon, and are serious about translating, people like me wouldn't mind helping you with whatever we can. Ps. Minor mistakes are A-okay...
Jun 20, 2018
This is now also fixed, thanks for pointing it out, @naranca
P.S.: I wouldn't mind if they were slow like... one each week, but 22+ days for 14 pages is somewhat pushing it.
Group Leader
Jan 24, 2018
@OneScans I prefer to see you working on such series for this kind of reasons rather than what happened a few weeks ago :)
Thanks for updating this, I was starting to believe it was planned to be dropped at this point.

A few mistakes here and there between this chapter and the previous one but some already pointed them out (it'd be nice if it was reported in a nicer way tho).
Just a last note, to keep the manga page in the same format, could you upload the chapter with a title as HatiGarm had done so far ? Small matter tho.

Also, page 2 & 3 have repeated text, is it the same in RAWs ?

Keep it up ! Thanks for picking it up.
Jun 20, 2018
@Shyning I just snipe if I see people are fucking with stuff I enjoy reading, such was the example of the early access on SMGT which they now avoid due to being scared of being sniped again.
This was a different matter, they were being really slow on a manhua I really love. So I decided to give them some tough motivation. They said they'd release 1 weekly now, otherwise next saturday I'll release another 2-3 myself.

Although I do believe hatigarm isn't fit for series like these anymore nowadays, they seem to be an entirely different group from a few months back. Everyone seems highly unmotivated and lazy.
I hope they figure it out amongst themselves or drop the series as there are probably many groups who would pick it up right away.

They did try to call me out on sniping on their discord (some members) I guess they forget how their group was even formed (through sniping series like todg, panlong and others).

I did try to fix all the mistakes I could a while ago, I could've missed something as this is a one man project.
Group Leader
Jan 24, 2018
@OneScans anyway, this is definitely better this way :)

I hope they'll indeed release it weekly now, good job finding the motivation for this, an even greater good job if you managed to motivate them !
Jul 22, 2018
@OneScans I laughed at the Leylin part, someone has been reading Warlock Magus World. Or maybe I was reading too much WMW

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