Parallel Paradise - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

Active member
Jul 2, 2018
Even the bird is telling him to stop being a wuss and have sex I hope this fool can go all the way, geez he is already having oral sex with these women, what the hell is he even afraid of?
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 25, 2018
something bothering me, the girls come from the castle right? with no memories intact, but how come she have older sister? i mean, duh, they don't even know their parents.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 26, 2018
"To have a monopoly on the first man in 3000 years...
A chance like this only comes once several centuries..."
Work on your math. (Then again, if they can't read, maybe they don't have math characters worked out either?)

3-legged bird? My god, it must be a Golden Crow! :eek:

"When the women of this world reach adulthood without having mated, they die."
Let's see what excuse this Japanese protagonist uses to get out of having sex with attractive willing girls even in the context where it's morally wrong not to.

@ThunderaMaou Right?

@Blackkid121 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@RustoKomuska Sounds about right.
Active member
Jun 17, 2018
I hope he doesn't use "I'm a virgin" excuse for long. Because, you can practice.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2019
I always thought i wanted to go isekai world like konosuba.

I was wrong.
Mar 18, 2019
...that’s some of the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard, what?! How does society continue if girls die if they’re still virgins by 18 but there’s no men?!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Okay, this chapter had WAY too much bullshit.

1) "There are no shortage of people who hate men in this country". Uh......... No men. In 3 millenia.
No men. In 3 millenia. How the FUCK can there be a fair amount of people who hate men? Wtf?
We don't know what Kall are, beyond having a male voice, but that's hardly enough reason. Misaki aside.
Unless half the country is full of psychos...

2) "A chance like this only comes once every several centuries". I'm assuming this is TL fuck up. "Several" means "a few", say 3-7? Three millenia is 30 (THIRTY) centuries. That's not "several".

3) "It's only natural (that I keep pestering you to mate). Women this world die if they reach adulthood without mating".
First: he obviously didn't know that, being from another world and stuff.
Second: "it's only natural" means you actually want to save the girls.
You'd THINK the fucking bird would share that information sooner.

Man, I feel the quality of this manga dropping by leaps and bounds...

@MaracaRin I think it's very funny for you to assume that adulthood is 18.
Not trying to sound rude, sorry for not knowing how else to phrase it, but really, stupid funny.
Not even OUR world agrees on the coming-of-age age. Some countries 16, some 18, some 20, some 21.
Technically speaking, adulthood is maturity. And maturity is generally SEXUAL maturity. So...12-13, when girls get periods and boys start making semen.
Or you could put adulthood at the point when you "stop growing up and start growing old", aka, when all your organs are fully developed and start decaying. I think it's around 21-22, with kidney/liver being among the last? (It's one of the reasons why some countries ban alcohol till 21).
Or, since it's another world, it could be a completely different number. People REALLY need to stop applying the rules of our world when watching/reading stories taking place in another world.

I always thought i wanted to go isekai world like konosuba.

I was wrong
I always say, careful what you wish for.
You're probably dreaming of a harem of willing girls that will spread their legs every time you ask.
The Devil would probably give you a bunch of girls that would tie you to a wall, drug you to keep your erection and fuck you until you bleed. I mean, we do it with farm animals.
If that's your fetish, tho, by all means enjoy 😂
Active member
Apr 14, 2019
Yep, it's a WTF situation for certain. And monopoly on men is a weird phrase XD

But c'mon, dudes making fucking analyses of this dumb hentai are simply not understanding that his is STUPID HENTAI it's not meant for great profundity and rationale.
Also, it's clear that babies come out of that castle (some castles are or have some baby machine), so here we go, we have a fucking source of people. We just don't know what the hell is going yet, and it is part of the mystery that we as the protag gonna find out. After a lot of shagging thats for sure. And a magical world could simply make people live forever or reproduce in an asexual matter ain't far off lol. Now, people dying when they get older without mating, now that's a problem for a hentai character, magical world or not.

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