So, orgy at the end of each city ark? And gurls playing with a passed out MC?
Also, are those 2 chicks power posing or something? And I kinda dislike this way of building world. Drop the beach city "heroines", cause they're the guardians and can't leave, and cue 2 random women for more sex.
Uh... I'm all for the variety, I guess (personally I'd prefer a closed harem, not a fan of open relationships, but whatever), but don't do it like this. Introduce them WHILE in the city or something, and then have them tag along.
No one else miffed that Pinako basically had zero repercussions? What the living fuck...
Considering how many, many, MANY manga (Isekai especially/included) handle criminals, murderers even (...forgive and forget), I'm happy Kai got a deserved death. Prolly also painful.
As for Bitchnako...wrote something a couple chapters ago, check it if you will, but while I personally also want to see her punished...she didn't really do anything THAT evil, did she?
Not that he's complaining. Or us.
Plus, "rape" is a loose term, sometimes, and especially in this universe. He was 130% on board with the orgy. He just passed out from the booze too soon.
But you can't really SJW your way out of this one, he was still on board, so...not rape 😂