@Nightlilygirl- if it does the series will probably end. The whole premise was built on their misunderstanding, if you take that away it's just an aimless romcom. Personally I'd be fine with that - the series is good, but I'd rather see it end at its best than outstay its welcome.
I feel like, at the level of misunderstandings and double-take-thinking used here, this series could go on for a good while with hijinks intact, even after the central misunderstanding was cleared up at least once, if it wanted to.
I think there's plenty of potential for plots yet even with development. She'll still be a misunderstood lovestruck banchou and he'll still be a spineless pushover.
@Deoxyribo9 Onidere as well, I guess. The initial thing with both of those was some kinda nerdy guy in a secret relationship with the yankee girl, but I feel like both of them kept going fairly well after that initial secret was discovered by other cast members because they kept trying to keep it secret from anyone else. But this one has a completely different hurdle with the setup so I dunno how well it'd work out to just trade in the main misunderstanding for another or something like that.