...Whuh? Oh, right. Banchou was adorable, and a dense fool as always. I guess she hasn't really been the shy type, so it makes sense for her to be gung ho about doing anything like this.
Ummm, wasn't the point of this story that Unoki thinks Toramaru is treating him like a servant while she's actually trying to act like a couple? This chapter is straying a bit far from that idea. No delinquent that's actually trying to assert dominance over you is going to give you a lap pillow. No chance. I could stomach the plot up till now with some suspension of disbelief, but this chapter is unforgivably dumb.
She's looking more mature with her hair up and unoki looked like he was drawn a bit older looking too. Might be my brain, but even side by side it looks different to me.
@Aretheus That was the initial hook. I'm really, really hoping we leave that behind though, because we're clearly in jump the shark territory here and it hasn't been 'believable' for a dozen chapters or more.
This kind of gag comedy might be interesting for like, a 10 chapter series culminating in Unoki having his eureka moment and then they can start dating for real, but we're already 27 chapters in. We've reached George McFly levels of density.
The author needs to decide whether to end the series or abandon his initial premise and actually write something interesting.