Peerless Battle Spirit - Ch. 161

Mar 12, 2019
This is a stupid secret to have been on the final floor.

That was only a secret because he himself misunderstood that the stone was fake, which was never influenced by anyone but him. What would've happened if he never said that the stone was fake? He got to the fifth floor and they said "The stone on the first floor was real" and he would say "Well duh, that's what you told me in the first place. Why would I think it's fake? What kind of secret is that?"

Did they not have a reward planned for the final floor if the person to make it there didn't misunderstand and think the stone was fake?

I don't care how many days or years late it is, or if it' a spoiler from the source material, if someone has the answer to why the Pavilion could've thought that this was a secret to keep for the person to reach the final floor when it was so specific to this exact set of events then please tell me.

The only things that I could think of are that:
A) There was some prophecy/time-travel that foretold that everything would happen this way so it was known he would misunderstand from the start,
B) You could only get to the top floor if you thought the stone was fake,
C) There were different messages depending on what reaction the person who broke the stone had,
D) If the mc hadn't thought the stone was fake the test taker would've said that it was anyway, or the mc was psychically manipulated into thinking the stone was fake.
Mar 18, 2020
> they said "He has been seen with another Martial Bla bla"
> mfw theu don't know how she looks
Mar 24, 2019
I don't care how many days or years late it is, or if it' a spoiler from the source material, if someone has the answer to why the Pavilion could've thought that this was a secret to keep for the person to reach the final floor when it was so specific to this exact set of events then please tell me.
I'm caught up on the current web novel translation (btw, would not recommend this story).

It's never explained. Yep. That's it. A lot of the story doesn't make logical sense, and the author also has a habit of introducing plot points and even entire characters only to completely drop them / forget about them later. This happens dozens if not hundreds of times, from small plot points to large ones. Don't overthink it too much and get too invested with what happens in this story.

Even the third floor reward (the arcane realm stone):
Becomes complete chump change. Power creep is insane in this story. Between the power creep as well as entire plot threads getting ignored, don't get too attached to the specifics.

Some spoilers on the Martial Serendipity Pavilion in general:
The Martial Serendipity Pavilion does make a few appearances way later, however. That man on the Martial Serendipity Pavilion's fifth floor who told Qin Nan the secret essentially owns the Pavilion and lives on the fifth floor. I suppose you could come up with fanfic and say that the fifth floor man would have given out a different reward to someone who didn't question the first floor stone.

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