Peerless Dad - Vol. 2 Ch. 141

Apr 1, 2019
I hope they at least flashback to the fight in an upcoming chapter instead of just outright skipping it
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 8, 2018
That's one way to piss ppl off...let's just skip the fight we've been hyping up
Apr 21, 2020
Not sure what all of you are going on about, the fight finished with Noh and the hobo knocking each other out...
Fed-Kun's army
May 28, 2020
Oh come on, I was hoping to see what happened after they both swung at each other. Oh well, hopefully in the next chapter. Looks like the dragon association don't know that it was Mr. Dad who took that fight.
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
You guys surprise me... are we reading the same story?
No fight was skipped! It was fought to the conclusion, and Noh got knocked out while finishing it.
It was obvious long ago that the "Demon God" aka "something that isn't supposed to be here" (hence the extraction of that girl pretending to be a male soldier) was this him
The fact that they're now referring to the "Metal Demon God" (metal is hard) even confirms it further.
What they didn't show was the after fight with everyone dead or knocked out. I can speculate pretty easily there who found Noh and clean up after.
He was already going to deal with the situation, but it had already been resolved. He would have found Noh - who his son already told him about - and who (to his surprise) survived the fight against the "Demon God". Did the "Demon God" survive the fight? Unknown... but if so he likely got cut down shortly thereafter by this gentleman. Finding Noh alive though, he carried him off and treated him.

Possibly I'm wrong (if there is a connected novel, I haven't read it), but I think I'm likely to be correct. It doesn't seem that hard to figure out.
edit: I assumed the images where cut into much smaller parts than they really are, sorry. I'll use a spoiler tag to shrink my post. You should still figure out who I mean...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2019
So then that dude Noh just fought is the metal god?
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2018
This is fine, Noh got knocked out, it'll be a nice reveal next chapter.

Find it amusing the Flying Dragon refers to Dad as a child haha.
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
@krispy they skipped the dads fight and the kids....
No they didn't skip his fight... It concluded, right here. 2 chapters ago!
The kid's fight wouldn't be skipped yet either. We just haven't been shown the conclusion of that yet. They're going back and forth between difference scenes - which is probably good if not for reading only a bit at a time. Probably pretty awesome for binge reading though.


Oct 12, 2018
@Yanako that's basically my understanding of it too. what I've pieced together is that "Demon gods" are people who have tried to achieved the apex of certain quasi-mystical styles of martial art, but have messed up horribly somewhere along the way in their training, and subsequently spiral out of control when they reach the higher thresholds of power you mentioned. In the case of Noh's martial art, his master warned him in a roundabout way that starting to like getting hit was a danger sigh for someone of their style.
Feb 6, 2018
I'm betting the dad is with the redhead girl's henchmen. The subordinates of scheming dad might be fast, but were still busy with the demon god's lackeys while her henchmen were kinda 'free' to move and had the direct order to save Noh Ga-Jang.
Thanks for the new chapter, by the way!

On a side-note: so a demon god is just a human martial artist who kind of lost himself in his arts? Good to know. Since the mention of possible demon gods (and an apocalyptic bird to boot!) appearing in the future of The Scholar's Reincarnation, I was fearing its author just wanted to follow the DBZ path now and reveal stronger and stronger opponents for the MC to fight and defeat. So I was scared that would include some hellspawn, because if the earth's population isn't good enough anymore, you've just got to add in supernatural being from another dimension ...
If they're only humans who are overly strong and maybe crazy, I can dig it. As long as the author doesn't forget the original purpose and genre of the comic, like Noblesse did. 😒
Aug 12, 2020
I don`t think the madman is a demongod, he is just so strong that he gets mistaken for one.
Unless the swordswomans memory of a literal being of earth is meant to be more metaphorical.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Wow, an exposition-chapter that was actually fun / okay to read, instead of feeling like a waste of time. Haven't seen one in a while.
If I recall correctly, from previous comments, "demon god" is more in the sense of "becoming insane and highly violent", rather than "Transforming into a powerful devil". In that sense, there's no mistake about it. Which is also why the MC's master warned him not to get into murim, and also probably why the master isn't around anymore.
Aug 12, 2020
On page 12 you have a flashback to an earth demon god, who looks to be made of actual earth.
The madman is suspected off being a metal demon god but he is not literally made of metal.
So that makes be think either the madman is not an actual demongod
or that the earth demon god is not actually made of earth and that is just an artistic metaphor.

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