
May 4, 2019
I did kinda like how the mc was pathetic and cringy, nerds should learn to stop self inserting but then the struggles is replaced with a generic become the strongest and the becoming a “mc” is purely a bait.
anyway dropped.
Jun 29, 2020
not bad, not good. Either the mc need to fasten up with his non-existant character development or its borderline mad overall.
Tbh, the art saves it
Mar 8, 2019
Despite there being a few too many toothy grins for my taste I'd say this series is actually quite good. The beginning is slightly weak but it quickly improves.

The art has a lot of personality to it which is always refreshing. The story is simplistic but it is fully aware of it. The fact that the series knows exactly what it is and doesn't waste your time is definitely a big plus in my eyes.

Overall I'd say this was a pleasant surprise. I was certainly not at all expecting to enjoy this when I read the description. Would recommend giving it a look and seeing if you like it.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2020
I don't know of everyone else eats cheese and drinks wine while reading manga but here's my peasant tongue's opinion. I'm willing to say it floats. It's kept my interest and it didn't feel like a total slog to run through the chapters. HELL I can't say that, I swapped sites to read more. I'm forced to say I like it.
Liking the probably based around what kind of MC you prefer. Personally, I disliked him at the start, I found his karma amusing and he ate humble pie in 3 like different ways.

"sounds like ToG", tower climbing isn't unique. SAO in the 1st&2nd seasons basically had "reach the top", and with ToG as an anime now, ofc it's going to be a measuring stick.

I'm probably going to get told I have shit taste, why are you making such a long post lmao or told about my mooom, or whatever but that's the internet, what can I do about it.

Best thing to do is read it yourself, a ways into town.
If you're down here reading this though, idk what to tell ya, imo things like reviews, forums and comment sections are pretty dubious. People have a tendency to only comment when they hate something, so reviews gets skewed.
Have fun
Jul 14, 2020
the mc is the best part of this, you wanna see him overcome his weaknesses and prove his worth, changing himself along the way, so everything in this world serves to be his proving ground.
it's a plenty good idea and the author seems fairly committed to the test, so it is interesting enough overall, simple sure but it's an honestly heartfelt and hopeful action adventure and that's rarer than just having decent art.
and yeah it's not a masterpiece in it's writing but give it a chance to stockpile before you shove such high expectations on it.

I'm just not really sure what people are trying to prove by saying that they're so above it
It's almost like the author is kinda right about people wanting immediate gratification

It's times like these that i feel like i've accidentally stumbled onto the territory of my literature professors closet kin,
then i remember i'm reading asian comics and it makes absolutely no sense,
you guys have read and slathered on so much worse, so just come on, this is kinda embarrassing now. I almost have no idea what you're talking about half the time.

turn off your big big brains for a second and read with your heart and not your ego, have some fun will you?
going after every little "problem" and blemish sounds real exhausting, and this isn't writing school.
You won't be able to appreciate or even notice the reasonably varied and fun little strengths of so many stories if you're this stubborn about total absolute originality. and you have to compare everything to literally everything else, you lose so much of the individual experience that way.

and we're all already aware how every single story on the planet is actually plagiarized from the bible and jesus (which is in turn plagiarized from the story of gilgamesh being a total a$%hole as always)

i'm of course not talking about the manga gilgamesh which i just remembered that i forgot to read, and i'll get right on that.
Apr 21, 2020
Its pretty good, starts a bit slow but it is definitely better than 80-90% of isekai so far.
Jun 10, 2020
I'd would say that this is quite good isekai manga. But honestly, some things are just doesn't sit right to me.
So its really come down to people preference
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2019
Really like this one, and we have up to 30 chapters in the raws. Here's hoping we get more soon!

Edit: After reading the raws, this is way better than the mangadex score gives it. The MC shapes up real well.
Jul 21, 2020
Trust me guys, this is good. If you don’t like it because of the MC, Well I got good news for you. He changes a lot and becomes a badass. That’s what you call "Character development", but there were a lot of impatient people hoping for the MC to become OP as soos as he isekaid.

"Patience is a virtue"

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