i really liked the first chapter, but the impressions on this one was worse...
first, the fact they let their daughter close off completely. they seemed to never have done the effort to try and get her out again, they look like... very complacent parents? they did it "out of love", but i don't quite see how not trying to help her heal is real love
if i were her i'd have been mad to know they even took important decisions regarding myself without even telling me... if she has to meet suitors who were turned down, they should have told her? if only out of concern for her safety?? they might lash out at her for that decision??
and the guys... dunno, maybe they're buttering her up but i feel their personalities quite inconsistent from one ch to the next. the harem vibe is being built up too quickly without momentum imo
i'll keep reading without judging too fast, thank you for bringing us this story!!