Point Gifter Keikenchi Bunpai Nouryokusha no Isekai Saikyou Solo Life - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.3

Group Leader
Jan 14, 2023
Thanks for the release.
If its not too much, could you release them as whole chapters, for ease of readability. Amazing job nonetheless
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
I'm not sure how to feel about the revelation that Claude was always a homicidal douche canoe.

On the one hand, him snapping and murdering everyone becomes more consistent with his character. On the other, it feels like always being part of a character devalues him snapping.

Like, instead of a man so convinced of his own greatness that he practically thinks he's the gods' gift to mankind who constantly refuses to accept reality even as it's kicking his teeth in trying desperately to hold onto his overinflated ego murdering his comrades for refusing to put up with him anymore, it just becomes a case of "and I'll fucking do it again!".
Dex-chan lover
Aug 27, 2018
He wanted Fildo to keep it a secret but when he banished him, wouldn't that defeat the purpose? Sure they were going out to find him to kill him but if I was in his shoes, he should of just kill Fildo right then & there. Although doing that I wonder if the XP share will get undone with his death & if he'll still blame Fildo for it. Thanks for the translations.
Group Leader
Jan 26, 2023
wait wait wait
this flashback makes no sense
that asshole know from the start what fildo power is and how he activate the exp gift and, i assume, knows that he can take it away
Claude probably knows about that taking back exp but he just ignore it. If you read back chap 1.3, Fildo warn him before, but due to Claude arrogancy/ stupidity, i guess it just went straight over his head.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2019
wait wait wait
this flashback makes no sense
that asshole know from the start what fildo power is and how he activate the exp gift and, i assume, knows that he can take it away
I don't think he knows that Fildo can take away the experience points that he gives, which explains at the start on ignoring Fildo's warning.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
I don't think he knows that Fildo can take away the experience points that he gives, which explains at the start on ignoring Fildo's warning.
He probably treated it as an extra boost, convinced that with all the things they'd accomplished, the contribution from "the guy who does nothing" would be minimal and could be discarded.
That obviously wasn't the case.

It seems the world treats the skills gained from Fildo's XP ability as "mostly" Fildo's own skills. Bit like a Tamer's companions actions/wins would be treated as the Tamer's, not the companions' themselves.
Participation reward for the companion, but the bulk of the XP goes to the Tamer...

Something they might have noticed if they, like decent people, would have only used it as a boost when necessary, but they kept Fildo going 24/7. So never got to experience the Small Print that comes with the skill.
So when Fildo withdrew his support, they fell back to n00b levels. Because they rarely ever used their own skills, so rarely ever actually gained XP beyond that level 5/6 we saw in this side story.

Which explains a lot about how they could drop back that far. Other than as a lazy and convenient Plot Vehicle.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
So one more offense can be attributed to his former party; murder. Ain't no way that 'fall' was accidental...
"We were overrun by demons and he fell of a cliff"
"Ok, so how did you survive? Unscratched at that? If there were so many demons, the situation would have gotten worse after he fell"

Unfortunately, when a tragic event like this happen the majority of people aren't in a state of mind to figure out something as basic as this. HOWEVER, unless they just said "oh well, shit happens" and moved on, after time they should have naturally found the story more and more suspect.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
Claude being a murdering bastard already doesn't really surprise me, although it's a bit of an asspull.

This manga is very heavy on the "Repentance/Redemption/Forgiveness" trope, irritatingly so sometimes.
And Claude needs to be portrayed in such a way that he can be killed off in a way that doesn't break that trope. He must be Irredeemable.

Last chapter we saw the other members being killed by him after they got their little Repentance/Redemption Moment ( and death sentence by Plot Device..) by Claude in a rage.
But killing in a rage is, while definitely Frowned Upon, at least understandable. It's one of the very few excuses one can have for killing someone that can possibly reduce sentences.. Because Redemption is ( at least theoretically..) still possible.
It still gives a Lawyer something to work with. Devil's Advocate, and all that. Dirty Job, but...

Anything Claude has shown up until now can still be explained by overblown Ego and misplaced entitlement leading to his attitude and explosions.
But cold-blooded murder? Simply because someone has a conscience and tries to get in your way?
That's true psychopath territory. There's no saving those.

Which may have ( at least I hope so ) one very big advantage: Very little chance of a Sob Story background flashback for Claude explaining why-he-became-who-he-was.
Looks like we'll be saved that exercise in story stretching and tedium...

The way it was delivered, though.... Euuurrghhh! :(
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I'm dropping, I can't believe we are now getting the "He was always evil" card and not long after the "snapping" scene. Why have it seem like he snapped into evilness if your gonna in a few chapters just go "Nah fam he was always evil". Gives the weakest excuse for why the guy dies and noone questions anything. While I get they are mortified/stunned/saddened, how come after the shock wore off noone questioned why he was:
A. Uninjured.
B. No enemies came back with him (And how he outran them when a ranger type couldn't).
C. Immediately tells the exp booster to abuse his ability for the guild while looking extremely evil instead of oh I dunno sad/shocked a party member died.

Not only that but we get the Elf king showing his true evil nature still, like no Elf girl it's not that you won't see eye to eye he was clearly saying "I want to imprison our saviour and use him as an exp battery" what a joke. Why even both having it so that he thinks more highly of his exiled daughter if your just gonna instantly turn around and also pull the "I don't care for you really, just get him on our side no matter what". The writing here is so lazy and I totally believe what I read in a previous chapters discusion that the evil leader won't be put to justice and will be a reoccuring villain the entire series(Even though he's piss weak where does he suddenly get the ability to do that?).

I tried so long to stay with it cause the ability and storytelling around it could have been interesting but I just can't anymore with this shite.

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