Um actually payback or memento do not exist in generation 2 so this is entirely incorrect-🤓 but actually I’m impressed by the Pokemon knowledge that’s has been shown so far and actually giving reasons for why stuff happens like the lapras and tm thing and the reason memento does what memento does any way I like 👍 and them saying umbreons whole deal is being bulky is a cool detail because gamefreak does not understand that because they put umbreon in the tera raids as a offensive pokemon
Um actually payback or memento do not exist in generation 2 so this is entirely incorrect-🤓 but actually I’m impressed by the Pokemon knowledge that’s has been shown so far and actually giving reasons for why stuff happens like the lapras and tm thing and the reason memento does what memento does any way I like 👍 and them saying umbreons whole deal is being bulky is a cool detail because gamefreak does not understand that because they put umbreon in the tera raids as a offensive pokemon