I thought that all signs pointed to that Jiho likes Dojin too, but when I reread it, it wasnt the case. Jiho was interested in him and the idea of Dojin liking him, but ultimately did not like him romantically. He kinda treated him more like a little brother. It was more like a "I don't really mind if you like me, and if you confess, I might go out with you" kind of mindset. Which was why he told Do-jin to woo him again so he can be sure of his feelings.
Like how I treat my friends who give me mixed signals that I really don't want to waste brain cells overthinking and misintepreting them. I will still like them as a friend and want to know more about them, but it's not romantic until they actually confess or I fall for them or something.
That's too bad though, I really thought this was the chapter they get together. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH