Princess of the Wolf Lord

Nov 21, 2018
@abeja they didn't die in front of her. Also, kinda obvious. But not every protag falls into the beta loser and edge lord categories.
I'm happy to see a bit of a change up, but yeah, I hope they either never get together or its not forced.

Better yet I'd like for a manga to actually be finished before the scanalaters lose interest. Legit, I'm following over 200 manga and have dropped a lot more. And most of the time I drop them because scanalaters move onto the newest god awful isekai.
Group Leader
Jun 20, 2018
@Fotamon Her parents did actually. You can see their heads lying on the ground on page 2 and 3 in chapter 1. Her grandparents died in the fire.
Nov 21, 2018
Oh good to know, thought they all had hidden in the basement and left her.
Sep 25, 2018
i guess somebody doesnt know much about unrequited love? since its not something you get over with easily. In the manga she mention that he was her first and last ever. So i don't get the problem what you guy arguing about here.
Double-page supporter
Sep 24, 2018
This is depression, right?
She has depression, right?
Jul 29, 2018
I would rather she resent him, then move on with her life and have nothing to do with him. The way it’s going now you can tell she is going to end up with him again..
Double-page supporter
Sep 24, 2018
I wonder how many tragedies will come after the prologue
Mar 15, 2018
This is the equivalent of pairing a rape victim with the rapist, it just shouldn't happen and really demonstrates the author's lack of human understanding.


Apr 11, 2019
I didn't see that coming i forgot the theme was a reincarnation.

Oh it's different to isekai right?
I think it is.
isekai you go to another world.
Doesn't matter if you got reincarnated
or summoned.
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
I read the LN after reaing it... (couldn't wait for manga chapters to be released)

Damn, it gets even more tragic! But Ends up in happy end and before I knew it, Onions are next to me lol
Double-page supporter
Mar 5, 2019
@Christopher That's a completely inaccurate and inappropriate comparison. What a rapist does is out of self-gratification, but what Kaid did was for the betterment of the people that her family was exploiting and abusing. She was a victim, yes, but simply because she was ignorant and powerless due to how sheltered she was. However, Kaid is also a victim in the sense that he was forced to kill the woman he loved after destroying her life, all the while knowing that he is directly responsible for her suffering despite the fact that what he did was necessary. He sacrificed the few to save the many, and he's paying the price.

Honestly, I don't understand why Kaid receives so much hate. He may not be suffering as much as Shirley, but he's still suffering as he lives with what he did to her in her previous life. There's no way he enjoyed any bit of the suffering he put her through, and once he realizes that Shirley is the Lady that he got close to he's probably gonna try to give her literally anything and everything in an attempt to atone for what he did, all the while asking her for forgiveness over and over no matter how many times she says he doesn't need to ask for forgiveness. If nothing else, he's going to go to great lengths in an attempt to make her the happiest person in the world, even if he fails due to how depressed and broken she is.
Mar 15, 2018
Nope, very accurate.

When the masses, led by Kaid, killed her, she was innocent and they were simply doing it out of self-gratification as you so put it. Whether they knew that or not, it is inconsequential; we and more importantly, the author know it. He murdered her and now she wants to be with her murderer; shit writing and my analogy stands.

Kaid receives hate because he's a POS; he allowed the woman he loves to die when he could have done any number of things to protect her and worse yet, when she offers to do good, he persuades her not to. Yes, we don't know if this would have changed things for the better, but we do know that he persuaded her from doing so and allowed that innocent girl to die which makes him a POS. And no, mob mentality or mob justice are not good things regardless of the outcome; you do not justify killing an innocent girl because it will make the world a better place.
Double-page supporter
Mar 5, 2019
@Christopher But she doesn't currently want to be with him? All she wants to do is go to a monastery when she comes of age so she can "repent," namely in one year. Her being a maid at his place isn't really her choice so much as she's just letting herself get pulled around. She tries to keep others at a distance, it's other people that approach her. If anything, she probably thinks that anything that causes her pain is a part of her penance and thus accepts it without thinking. As for the masses, they weren't aware she did nothing wrong. Not only was she a member of the family that exploited and abused the populace, she also admitted to crimes she didn't do. She was the sole survivor of the family that ruined countless lives, and if Kaid, their new ruler, had attempted to go out of his way to save her when she had already accepted those crimes as her own it would have led to a riot.

As for when she offered to do good, what are you talking about? The time when she offered to ask her father for fertilizer to help his homeland? Do you not realize that doing so would have ratted him out and ruined everything? If he didn't know it before, then at that point he knew he couldn't tell her anything or she would have naively revealed information about Kaid when he was Helt without a second thought. There was only so much he could do to help her, and suggesting she deny the crimes and go to a monastery was the only thing he could think of considering how messed up the situation was. Kaid had one option to give her, and she rejected the offer. His hands were tied.

Regardless, if you still want to use an analogy to describe how messed up the situation is then fine, but rape is an inaccurate and inappropriate choice. He didn't force himself on her to make himself feel good about himself, and she doesn't want to be with him(as of chapter 3).
Mar 15, 2018
Um... if you can't tell where this is going, I don't know what to tell you. Yes, at the moment, she claims to want to go to a monastery, but this is a romance and that tends to end with a romance between the MC and the lead male character... And if she goes the "meh, I'll just follow along" the entire story, then this is going to be far worse than I thought. As I mentioned before, it's not about what the characters know, its about what the audience and author knows. We know she was killed by Kaid, albeit not directly, but he still could have done something to save her. We know she was innocent. That's what matters. So we know a woman was killed by her lover whom was innocent and knew his actions would lead to her downfall, yet, this is still heading towards a romance. In any other scenario, if you tried to kill someone no matter how just you may have been, a normal rational person would be like "OK, the love is gone, time to move on", but here, the author seems to think that this is plausible and its not. This is like a Rom-Coms where the guy does something that would be ordinarily be the most creepiest of shit ever and we, the audience, suspend all disbelief because its not us, the pair of romance interests are clearly made for each other and its done in a comedic way so we can laugh it off... but murder just isn't as funny as you seem to think.

Yes, she offered and he rejected. There was no need to get his name involved because it wasn't him that needed to gain the favor of the people, it was her. If he had gotten her to send the fertilizer, it would have gone a long way to proving to the people she was not a bad person. You say he did it so that he didn't reveal his name, but his actions also kept her from being seen as the good person she was and instead of just a villain. Kaid's hands were tied, but honestly, we knew that from the 1st chapter when he could do nothing to save her from herself. You seem to think that scene was added to show Kaid was unable to save her, but I think it was there to show the goodness she had and by extension, the injustice done to her by the people and worst of all, Kaid. And if you think Kaid tried to save her while she was being sentenced, guess again. He put her there, he put her in harms way and while you may want to argue that she herself tied the final knot, but there was no guarantee she would have ever be saved from the death sentence especially when her entire family was burned alive in their home by an angry mob or killed outside. Tell me, how was he going to save her if she died in the fire? He didn't consider her safety at all.

Yes, the analogy is still very applicable. Not only that, its Stockholm syndrome which makes it all the more unhealthy and fucked up.
Double-page supporter
Mar 5, 2019
@Christopher You make valid points, but I feel like your understanding is simply too extreme and unforgiving. Kaid only had so much power, both because he was only newly appointed as their ruler and because how young he was, and he may have had even less power as Helt. You say he could have done more, but what exactly could he have done? Should he have been so awesome that he should've been able to think of every possibility and be able to save her like it was a piece of cake? Or should he think like the 14-16 year old he was, in a situation that required him to hide his identity and dig up enough dirt to properly remove the nobles that were abusing their people? We don't know how much power he actually had, even up to her execution. Perhaps he couldn't have done anything even if he could think of a way to save her.

Honestly, the issue at hand seems to be that you and I simply have different values. You say condemn him, I say give him a chance. You say he's a "rapist," I say he's a victim of necessity. We both agree that what he did wasn't good, but I don't see him as an unredeemable villain nor do I think that it would be considered Stockholm Syndrome should she eventually learn to love him again. The love is gone, yes, but that doesn't mean new love can't be formed, whether it be from the ashes of the old love she once had for 16-year-old Helt or built completely anew after she gets to know this 30-year-old Kaid. He clearly means her no harm, and unless that changes if(more like when) he finds out that Shirley was the woman he executed then I don't think he should be considered a bad person. An imperfect person, yes, but not bad. With that said, this love ideally shouldn't happen till after she can overcome her depression and learns to love herself again, and most importantly she needs to understand that she isn't a bad person that deserves punishment.

My issue is that I simply wish you'd use a different analogy. What analogy? I don't know, but not rape. Kaid didn't kill her because he wanted to, nor does he wish to further inflict harm upon her, whether physical, mental, or emotional. A rapist, however, does it because they want to and take joy in what they do, and they will often wish to continue tormenting their victims. Could Kaid have done more? Sure, maybe. But at the time he didn't know what else to do. Maybe he was eventually able to figure out what he could have done differently after the fact, but that clearly would have been too late.

Despite everything I've said, it ultimately depends on how well executed this story is. Given the nature of her reincarnation and what she went through, how well the characters themselves are portrayed and how their love develops over the course of the series could make or break it. There are steps that need to be taken for both of them, and if the author rushes those steps or forgets them completely it could potentially kill any redeemable qualities Kaid has and the quality of the story as a whole.

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