Princess of the Wolf Lord

May 28, 2019
The novel is so good. The manga is doing it justice. Mangaka, keep doing what you are doing!
Jun 23, 2019
In case there are more angry people who are angry with this pair up (the whole “murderer with victim” thing), just to clear things up: Kaid didn’t murder her.

If anything Shirley (I don’t remember her old name) murdered herself.

Kaid tried to talk her out of it, but she saw herself just as guilty as her parents, and willingly carried their sins with her to the guillotine. She finds out that her her life of comfort and luxury was built from evil deeds (and at the expense of others) and she knew that she indulged in that fruit. Yeah, she was innocent, but she still felt distraught by that fact— so much so that it still haunts her even when she was reincarnated (her whole life as Shirley so far has been dedicated to atoning for her “the sins of her past life”).

On the other hand, one may say: well Kaid could have saved her! He clearly doesn’t care about her since he let her die! He even raised his hand to command her execution on the spot! This pairing is a travesty!!

Now this is where I’m going to tell you to be a more critical reader. As Shirley walked towards the guillotine, she was hit even harder with the reality that her family was truly evil and selfish. She was already distraught before, but seeing the real deal only strengthened her feelings: She MUST die because of her sins.

And you can see this absolute MUST if you see what she says and does before she dies. She does something she has never done in her life. She lived as a lovely lady, and was evidently kind and completely different from her parents. But right in front of the crowd, at the foot of the guillotine, she lashes out and sounds like an entitled, spoiled brat, throwing commands left and right. She precisely does this to anger the people on PURPOSE.

By playing the role of the “evil daughter who ruined their lives”, the populace is even more riled up for her execution, leaving NO ROOM FOR ANYONE TO INTERVENE (coughKAIDcough). She basically cuts off any last minute chance Kaid had to save her. In situation like that, where you JUST became the lord of the land, you DEFINITELY have no other choice. The crowd is roaring for her death, and she willingly did it for herself, so he raises his hand to fulfill their wishes and hers.

Anyways, enough from me HAHAHA
I’m looking forward for some ANGST
Mar 6, 2019
Well, I'm hooked. And to say the least the story is quite the lovely mix of sadness, potential, and unrequited angst

Now I plan to wait for more chapters and eventually buy the official release (my list of things to buy is now almost as long as my to watch list for anime)
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
Jesus, this might be the most passive MC so far. Feels bad for not doing the right thing in her past life, so she decides to never do anything again, if only to sate her sense of shame.
Mar 15, 2018
@Shinbnz @Svelandria
No matter what you say, this reeks of Stockholm syndrome. I shouldn't be surprised; this is coming from the country where their literature considers rape another form of hello.
Jun 24, 2019
Spoiler: The strongest person here is Carolina, she can raise the dead. ==> This is a JOKE people. For those who read the novel and seen the last page of chapter 4.

Oh, this story is TRAGEDY first then much much later romance, do not expect romance until the very end. 85% of the first arc is aghast complete and utter aghast. Just warning you.

Yes, I know how to write spoilers such as this:
When Kaid was in coma after being poisoned with a poison that can kill an Elephant, Carolina screamed, shook, and hit him so hard he regains consiousness.
Mar 29, 2019
@Shinbnz i disagree with you, i think that not only Kaid kill her, but also that he even doesn't love her.
When he give her choise, to live in a monastery, all alone with shame, and understanding that all people that's loves her are dead, that sounds more like torture, other than "saving". Why didn't he give to her, a more "normal" choice to live? I think thats because he doesn't love her. I can't find any place where he show his love to MC.
The main part of MC hatred towards Kaid was, because she thinks that his "love" was just a facade to complete his mission, and he even didn't disagree with this statement, even "i still love you" or something can show that it was true love. For her, he was last important person, and he betrayed her, after that, what the point to live for her? In the end his "choise" looks like something like this: die quickly or die slowly with torments.

And yeah it'svery clearly that, romance will be between MC and Kaid, and its strange as &$@#.
-And that kids the story of "How your dad killed your mom and her whole family"

P.s sorry for my English
Jul 26, 2019
I promise y’all it deals with their past issues really well. A really good novel and it translated well into the manga format.
Jun 23, 2019
It's fine, you're allowed to have your own opinion on the story.

But I just want to let you know that Stockholm Syndrome is a completely different thing in itself, and using that to describe the relationship between her and Kaid is just plainly inaccurate.
Stockholm Syndrome specifically "occurs when someone who is held against their will starts to have positive feelings toward the person (or group) who is holding them captive".
Kaid isn't holding her hostage, nor is he actively threatening her or keeping her locked away. You can indeed say that Kaid may be keeping the mc in a metaphorical cage due to her trauma and feelings of betrayal, but honestly all of that is the MC's personal issues, and it is within the course of the story for her to decide to overcome those or not. Stockholm Syndrome specifically has to do with hostage situations or captivity. This story does not have that.

Their relationship is about learning to move on and to grow from their past issues, from the MC drowning herself in her sorrows to the Kaid who might have deceived her.
Please note that I said "might" because Kaid's true perspective has not been revealed in the manga and I have not read the novel. The validity of Kaid's affection for her is still up for speculation.
Jun 23, 2019
I can see your point of view, but I also disagree with you.
I think the reason why he didn't give her a more "normal" choice to live is because she still had to face punishment for her association with her family.
Usually, in stories with a setting like this, when someone is convicted for a crime, usually the forms of punishment are:
A) Death by execution
B) Exile from the kingdom/country/etc.
C) Live your life in a monastery to reflect and repent on your actions

Out of these three, clearly the most safe and lenient punishment would be to live your days in a monastery, where you are guaranteed a shelter, and perhaps some peace and quiet.
Exile might also be good, but it really depends on whether or not the MC would be able to properly survive by herself. Given that she is a noblewoman who has had maids to look after her, I would say that her chances of success in exile are pretty slim.
In Kaid's perspective, this was probably the best chance for him to give her a chance at living. But of course, we saw how that went down. He didn't consider how the MC would feel about it, and he didn't realize how it would be torture for her. A mistake on his behalf because he didn't think about it like that.

As for
I can't find any place where he show his love to MC
. I didn't say he loved her, because I don't think what he felt for the MC was anywhere near what "love" entails.
After all, he was only a young boy, and his true feelings are still up for speculation.
But I did say that he cared, and he cared about her enough to try to save her.
In Vol 1 Ch.3, where it shows a flashback from their past, it shows that back then, even though he lied about who he really was, he still trusted her enough to reveal the basis of his motivations: the poor and hungry who die suffering. He was being open to her. It shows later on in the chapter that when he told her all of that he was being genuine because even years later, it's evident that he feels passionate about helping those who are unfortunate. He may have not loved her, but he certainly did not hate her.

However, adding onto this, I do think that perhaps he did hold a bit of affection for her. Not quite feelings of love-- nothing quitethat deep. Like a crush?
In page 10 of Vol 1 Ch.3, she smiles at him (and she's really cute when she does it, ok).
For one moment she's all that's reflected in his eyes. From the reflection, we can see that she's clearly surprised--caught off guard-- and blushing.
After seeing her beautiful smile, he dove in and stole a kiss. Visual storytelling. It was a short moment with a lot to weight.

And dw, your English was alright!
Mar 15, 2018
You're mistaken on two accounts. First, she was and still is captive. After the coup, she was held captive as a prisoner where she gave up on her own life. Then after she was executed, she is reborn into the very same land that treats her existence as a monster to scare little children. While she may no longer physically be held, she is held emotionally hostage with no reasonable chance for escape. Second, Stockholm Syndrone is not limited to just physically holding someone hostage; abuse victims can fall into this category where they have the ability to leave but are so emotionally abused and manipulated, they cannot.

So please explain to me how a baby born with the knowledge that her existence is scorned by the entire population of a country has any chance to escape such an environment?
Apr 16, 2019
@shinbnz I agree with most of what you're saying. Actually I agree with everything and I think it's a great idea that will lead to a great story but there's one thing that's been bugging me. I'm fairly certain that Kaid actually had fond feelings towards her past self (possibly even loved her) but what I don't understand is why he didn't just tell her? I mean telling her what she means to him might give her the will she needed to survive. Of course there's probably the guilt that he carries for murdering her parents. But that's still not a reason to keep silent, in fact it's more of a reason to try to get her to live her best life (even if it is in a monastery).
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 2, 2018
does the tragedy tag involve the 2 main characters ? thats all i wanna know

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