The series started with some serious topics but im glad it developed into this nice, fluffy, fanservicy story with some real backbone under that, those first 2 serious chapters really elevated this from a simple smut fest into something very nice not everything has to be seeped in drama to be good.
I liked both girls though i do admit i wish we'd explored their psyche a more Hikaru is kind of a blank but then again that moment were you can really feel her happiness when Megumi accepts her was good i like that sort of stuff especially cuz Megumi came ready to reassure Hikaru and not just hurt her with a "i like you but i cant do it cuz its not normal" or the like that happens elsewhere, why hurt a person like that ?
Really liked this little series.
lol nice teacher giving them a push, cmon shes close to their age kind of, knows what they're going through and maybe she thinks they need someone to say its okay some people do need that.
Damn that line was great lol still its the same for a normal couple just keep going till you cant get up wink wink.