Prison School

Jan 19, 2018
Please tell me the author won't do this with Me and the Devil Blues, too.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I hope the author hits his toe on furniture every day of his life from now on.
Jan 21, 2018
Wow. I've never seen a mangaka go out of his way to actively shit on his own series. Like, there's no way he actually thought he was putting out good content in the last couple of arcs. He just did everything in his power to destroy his manga. I had forgotten that there was going to be an epilogue; so when I saw this I was hoping it would be at least decent, maybe make me laugh a bit. This made me feel nothing. A bit trolled but not angry like the last couple of chapters of the series made me. Thanks Hiramoto
Aggregator gang
Mar 31, 2018
This must be a joke. Please someone say it's a late april's fools' joke.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 28, 2018
Alright, alright, settle down gentlemen. We, as far as we know, have read a lot of mangas out there that didn't suited our tastes. Mine was Seo Kouji's manga. I've read Suzuka and it was good for me. I've read his next manga The town where you live and read it until the MC broke up with Asuka Mishima. Never until then that I've read anything more from Seo.
I'll give this manga a pass. Sure, there's a ton of manga out there that has a shitty ending and yet those endings didn't really suited to our tastes that's why most or some of them are called "shitty". But this? Never in my entire reading manga life that I've seen an author that has the balls to went through 277 chapters with all the laughter and fun we've had with this manga and end it with that.
I'll still gonna give me a read on his next series and hopefully, he won't shit on his work anymore. Looks like he really does want to end the manga but the publisher(?) won't let him end it and would like to milk it like most of them are (cough Nisekoi cough). Well, it was a good whole read of the 277 chapters gentlemen. Now onto his next series.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
The manga is fun even if the ending is not what some people expected. The ending is actually not bad either, it fits right in with the atmosphere of the manga - people are whining simply because they are too conditioned to always get their "and they lived happily ever after". Was the manga dragged out? Sure. However it was original, had very good comedy, very good art and was a breath of fresh air in general.
Jan 22, 2018
I feel like people can't come to terms with the fact that Kiyoshi and Chiyo never had a good relationship. All of there interactions were built on lies Kiyoshi told to get with her. Having her finding out about them and still date him would be awful writing even for a comedy series.
Now do I buy that turning her into her sister? Not really lol. I definitely wanted to see more of the other characters endings and how there relationships go (though I guess all the guys expect Jo got one). I'll most likely re-read this whole series and then give it my final rating, but even now I feel like it was worth the read and would give it an 8-8.5/10.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Damn, I got so excited and then Hiramoto trolls again. The boys got their wet t-shirt contest, but what about us? It has been years, man. Too bad Hiramoto isn't active on Twitter anymore. Would have loved to see him react to people's thoughts.
Jan 18, 2018
Good job Hiramoto Akira I doubt you will ever make another successful series as this one, mainly because a lot of readers, including myself, lost all the faith we could have on you. Good luck on your future endeavors, you hack fraud.
Aggregator gang
Apr 4, 2018
What the fuck man that aint cool. Even if its finally fulfilling the gang's original "objective", the author threw all of the characters under the bus
Group Leader
Feb 5, 2018
Wow, I know Hiramoto likes to have these kick-in-the-balls endings to his manga, but this one just seems so lazy. Was really hoping to see epilogues for each of the characters even if their endings were going to be "bad" for them, but this just really upsets everything.

An astoundingly bad ending for an otherwise spectacular manga.

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