right from the start i sensed the tokyo ghoul inspiration ^^ wendigos are very ghoul like, the main character has a backstory and current situation similar to haise's and they're in a subjugation squad. They aren't bad points though, tokyo ghoul is one of my favorite mangas. What original points i really enjoy about Project SHaDe: everybody can transform, at anytime. It leds to some sort of psychose, and fear about yourself turning into a monster. The MC is pretty cool too. He's a bit silent, and I like it. I also enjoy the overall mood of the manga, aswell as the light ambience between the squad members. I like the art. At first, it made me feel like i was reading for the story, not for some dummy fanservice, or for the redraw of a irl building. But actually, it really contributes to the overall atmosphere, bringing dynamism to the sketchy fights, and horror to the creatures.