
Jan 18, 2018
Hmm... Since it's a self-pub there's an interesting question as to whether or not the target demographic is just whatever the poster says it is.

(A similarly weird question arises as to whether self-declaring something to be a doujinshi (that is, in the self-pub sense of the word, which is usually only applied to print media, rather than the derivative-work sense of the word) is appropriate.)

Since it isn't going to come up very much there might never be an official ruling on the matter, I'd presume.

(Having said that... not to put too fine a point on it, but I've never seen this many tags (16!) be appropriate for any work, except maybe in the case of some unusual multi-themed anthologies. Author might be confusing "genres" with "present story elements"...?)
Jan 18, 2018
Fantasy, sci-fi, and supernatural? Plus horror?

What is this? Cuthulu goes to Hogwarts and becomes a 1337 hacker? I mean...actually...that sounds pretty amazing.

I really like reading indie-pubbed stuff (you can find some real gems) but I got a chapter in and then was very confused. I'm guessing english is not the author's first language, so a proofreader would be helpful. I understand just how hard editing your own work can be. Errors hide like snakes in the grass, ready to strike the hapless reader who comes on by after you.

Regarding the genre tags, from what I see this should be Martial-Arts, Supernatural, seinen or shounen (though those are determined by publishing magazine, not by content, so this really doesn't qualify), and possibly school life.

There is no ecchi to be seen. There was no horror in the first few chapters and no indication of that. No sign of fantasy or sci-fi either. And supernatural does not equal fantasy. They are very different. There are so many tags here, it's hard to get a sense of what kind story this will be.

Also a better description would do this work more justice, along with a more "telling" cover picture. I'd give a sample description, but honestly I'm too unsure of what the story is about to even attempt.

That said, I think it's amazing to see an indie work on here, and hope the author chooses to continue working on it. If this comment bothers the author, I'm happy to delete it, since most of this criticism is about the front page and thus very easy to fix, so if it does get fixed, no reason leave it lying around. Also, should there be any questions about what I said, let me know.
May 31, 2018
[Licht silver] I guess I forgot to add the parody tag, for most of the genre tags I added. it does have a story though, but will be in hiatus
cuase i'm currently and passionately working with River :)

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