How are people saying that Ritsu's in the wrong? For one thing, he doesn't have to like Maya, forcing him to like her is just fucking terrible for him, as much as it would be for her. Then there is the issue of Maya herself, who's not only sabotaging whatever chance of relationship she could had with him by being intentionally manipulative and coercive, but also downright toxic for others and absolutely overtly controlling. Just like men pestering women after they've been rejected, Maya is pestering Ritsu after several explicty statement of rejection. She's stolen his property, using Itsuki as a means to propogate her own agenda, and above all has no qualitites of her own being other than the fact she likes Ritsu for some reason and apperantly knows that though that he doesn't like her, continues to try to force herself on him.
As for Itsuki, she has aboslutely no idea what she wants before this chapter, which is understandable. She was a guy for her early part of her life, and odds are a relationship with another guy was never in that sort of understanding. The author stretches out the whole "when will she tell him" bit way too long and at this point it feels like it take forever. Her inability to actually speak is a fucking issue, but shit, she's probably terrible for words. While Ritsu acts somewhat like Maya does by putting himself in front of her, you can only see the difference in that while is Maya forces herself into Ristu's life, Ritsu is just standing by Itsuki and waiting for her to choose him.
For Maya's brother, its absurdly weird how and why he even tries to take part in whatever this is. First off, while he could like Itsuki, he honestly should try and actually clear things up with Maya, Ritsu, and Itsuki like an actual person. But since he doesn't, especially since he knows that Maya took the picture from Ritsu, all he's doing is feeding his sister's behavior and instead of being an honest assment of what she is to Ritsu, which is and only can be, a friend.
Shotout to the cousin and the Baseball captain who actually are function people who actually seem to have a good relationship worth a damn.