Oh, I know this one.
So, being in med school myself and having a undergrad and grad degree in engineering (just not mechanical), the only thing I have to say about this webcomic is that it shows the artist has no idea about mechanical engineering or the lives of medical students worldwide. It is yet another generic webcomic with this mediocre romance plot repeated ad nauseam.
It is like when I was a kid and wanted the Veterinarian Barbie or the Doctor Barbie. It was the same damn blond, cone-breasted Barbie with illogical proportions (ask a mechanical engineer what would happen if women had the same ratio of ankle thickness to height - I'll tell you what would happen, though I am not a mechanical engineer: their ankles would not sustain the weight of all their body and would break), just dressed in different clothes.
Same thing with this webcomic. Originality 0. However, since I know a lot of people love an easy read (and so do I, let me get this straight), I shall not rate this. I came in being biased and refractive to seeing any good in this to begin with.