Quarantine Question (QQ)

Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
Workout/improve workout techniques. Construct the healthiest diets while rationalizing taste and budget. You can't stick to a diet you don't enjoy or can't afford. Learn basic skills like plumbing, knitting, sewing, home repair, and car maintenance. Learn how to do a multitude of jobs through job training videos. Deep clean your house and yards, but unless you've been staying on top of it don't expect to do it all in one day. Identify unhealthy habits and quit them. Explore new interests, especially if the interests you're currently inhabiting are getting stale and boring for you. There's lots of ways to improve the quality of your life, and with everything going on in the world now is the time to make moves.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
@Nick_Asano woah, you sure do have alot of activity, don't you. I guess i hope you can learn all of it and btw, sewing and knitting is one of my skill, but i just dont have anymore passion to do it RN
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
@pandascepter It's a cool skill to have, but I wouldn't be learning it if I didn't have a reason. My town sells only throwaway masks for 5 bucks a piece. It got me thinking that this might actually be a necessary skill to have.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Spouse and I are considered essential workers so we still have to go to work. But we find that during this time finding a hobby reconnecting with someone/something. Or working to gain a skill are useful during this time.

Besides that we find that we watch television(anime/movies/reality/crime/etc) and play video games (ps4,switch,mobile/tablet, computer etc). Talk to friends and family via video chat or phone call. It’s a great time to Develop your culinary skills by trying to prepare & cook a meal. While at home their are ways to get in a good exceeded routine.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Looking for a job for almost 4 years now.
"but the quarantine only started for a months!?"
I know.
Joke aside, I just praying more often nowadays.
Dec 22, 2019
I’ve been quarantine studying and more recently listening to audiobooks, more specifically the Vampire Accountant series by Drew Hayes. Am currently at book 5, If you have the time you should read it it’s pretty good. Aside from that well I’ll be doing finals soon even though we are locked in, probably a lot of opportunity to cheat considering we are doing it online. Yeah I don’t think it will do well but we still have to do it anyways. Other than that I’ve been reading on Royal Road a good website to find stories to read for free, just pick the good ones. I recommend The simulacrum, The Wandering Inn (actually it has its own website), Mother of Learning and Necrotourists.

I’ve also been world building, it’s fun to make maps and cultures although I mostly rip stuff from eastern and western fantasy and mash them together. In the same vain I’ve recently made a fictional family tree using a dice generator and my own system to decide life spans, gender, how many kids if any and when they were born, It helps makes things feel more real than deciding how it is by yourself. Oh I also been writing as of late although the stories are only like 300-700 words each, it’s satisfying getting your mind out there into the world, ya know?
Dec 20, 2019
Watching some youtube videos, learn how to cook complicated things that I can't cook before, doing some home exercises (Pull ups, Some Cardio, Push Ups, and Dumbbell Curls), Eating shit tons of my failure attempt at cooking, Eating some actual successful attempt at cooking. I'm living my life in quarantine right now (Not sure how long I can keep this routine lmao especially the cooking one because I almost run out of stuff to cook.)
May 7, 2018
Truth be told, so many of us are wasting all our time. And while I do have all the time in the world, I don't want to waste even a bit of it on something so clearly pointless and harmful. Yet, I do. Maybe I could finally use it on better things like homicide.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 13, 2018
Doing Saitama's OPM training ... F me it's so hard for a shut-in like me , my work most likely now is on the laptop/pc

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