Reincarnated in someone else's body story, but real life? You decide!

Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
Came across this video on youtube while browsing weird and scary story stuff. Reincarnating into some else's body is a common trope in isekai, and see in some other manga, so this story was interesting.

But, could it be an elaborate hoax? Schizophrenia? Unfortunately this youtuber never goes into the skeptics viewpoint in his videos which I would have appreciated. It would certainly help in forming your own opinion instead of taking things at face value. But, according MrBallen guy, this is cited as the most credible story of reincarnation. Even though, it's kinda not reincarnation. It's more like possession, or something.

Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2023
mna I'd be so pissed if the second shot at life I'd get is on the same planet and I don't even get a good roll on which familly I get born into.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 5, 2019
These isekai plots are always about 'waking up as someone else' rather than 'them—as their own person—transported into another world/era' so it technically is possession..

Ain't checking the vid because I'm scared, but 'possessed' people from cases we got here usually unconscious and won't remember, so I guess if this 'reincarnation/possession' thing stayed for the rest of their life I guess the original body owner just gonna.. cease to exist.. just like that, huh........? :worry:

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