amou already has top tier grades in school, and absolutely zero other hobbies as far as we're aware. she's not allowed to use social media, her phone only has basic functions, she can't game or watch shows or read manga. she's being deprived of a fulfilling high school life, while she has friends she can never go out with them or share interests, she's going to grow up stunted and it doesn't matter how good of a personality she has if she shares absolutely nothing in common with her peers. "restriction" is VERY different from "prohibition", she's taking the latter approach which is honestly just child cruelty
allowing children to play and make merry should be a human right, and she's forbidding that for her child despite the child CLEARLY being so interested in media and friendly outings that just thinking about all the things she can't do makes her anxious, so she's a bad parent. all this teaches your kid is that they need to find ways around their restrictions, which amou has already tried to do in finding loopholes (ie. getting the teacher to except without talking to her parents about it)
you're literally just raising a child to rebel against you as soon as they find out all you've been depriving them of that other people are allowed to have, as soon as they stop mistaking your word as a parent for absolute truth you're fucked, which is why raising open minded children who are allowed to experience lots of stimuli as a kid is always superior in every way, because raising them sheltered just doesn't create the supergeniuses that helicopter parents think they do. most of the time the kid burns out or immediately severs contact with their parents as soon as they can live on their own because of built up resentment, it's a recipe for a broken family dynamic