Ah yes, I understand perfectly.DESCRIPTION:
待望のコミックス版1巻は一挙10話収録の豪華版! 小動物系女子高生・円城つぶら。親友は幼馴染のアンナ、気になるクラスメイトは特撮オタのショウ。ある日、特撮監督だった祖父の物置で見つけたリングを身に着けると…突然50年前にタイムスリップ! 目の前には巨大怪獣が! 足元でカメラを回している若き日の祖父ちゃんに指示出しされ、泣きながら怪獣退治に挑むことに…。空想科学だけじゃ解明できない、タイムスリップ怪獣退治ラブコメディ! ※この商品は「ラブコメと怪獣退治の不文律」単話版1話~10話を収録しています。
Ah yes, I understand perfectly.
You're welcome.Taibō no komikkusu-ban 1-kan wa ikkyo 10-wa shūroku no gōka-ban! Shōdōbutsu-kei mesukōsei Enjō tsubura. Shin'yū wa osananajimi no An'na, ki ni naru kurasumeito wa tokusatsu ota no shō. Aru Ni~Tsu, tokusatsu kantokudatta sofu no monooki de mitsuketa ringu o mi ni tsukeru to… totsuzen 50-nen mae ni taimusurippu! Me no mae ni wa kyodai kaijū ga! Ashimoto de kamera o mawashite iru wakaki hi no jīchan ni shiji-dashi sa re, nakinagara kaijū taiji ni idomu koto ni…. Kūsō kagaku dake ja kaimei dekinai, taimusurippu kaijū taiji rabukomedi! ※ Kono shōhin wa `rabu kome to kaijū taiji no fubunritsu' tan hanashi-ban 1-wa ~ 10-wa o shūroku shite imasu.
I understand even more perfectly, thank you.You're welcome.
There are 10 types of sushi rice! It's a great success! I'm a newborn baby, but I'm not sure what to do. I'm a newborn baby, so I'm going to have a good time! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby! I'm a newborn baby I am a 10-year-old boy who has just lost his parents to a tragic accident! ※This boy is 1 to 10 years old and has lost his parents' family.
I must admit that doesn't look completely correct. Looks like you broke google translate.I understand even more perfectly, thank you.
And running that through Google translate gives me this.![]()
I haven't checked it out myself, but apparently the dandadan artist had a similar setting in a oneshot before he started dandadan.I swear I already read a manga with that exact premise.
Well honestly, I don't know whether you are joking or if google translate actually just had a stroke or something. But when I tried it it looks like this.I understand even more perfectly, thank you.
And running that through Google translate gives me this.![]()
I can't tell for sure, but I think the author (who's been decades in the industry and have both successfull manga and anime) probably wrote a story for an anime, but never got the story accepted by a company, and probably settled for a manga instead. That's why I think it's somewhat neutral and I guess you can even say bland I guess, it's made more to cater to a general audience than a specific target group. Most of the ecchi is just played as a joke for example. This is just my speculation though.I think it's more than fair to compare this manga to “Giant Ojou-sama”. With that said… the juxtaposition between them is very interesting.
Giant Ojou-sama has some parts it does fantastically well, and some parts it does very badly. Love it or hate it, at least it has soul.
This manga has no parts it does either particularly well or particularly badly.
The end result is… I just can't bring myself to care about this manga at all.
I thought it looked familiar lol, glad they're doing something else that's not ntr cause the art style is great but that manga f'ed me up and I couldn't stop reading to get to the end lolI'm glad the artist got some good author and story that matches their style not the NTR dumpster fire that they got last time.
When looking at Chida Daisuke’s and Aldehyde’s work which seem fixate on cute even when they wanna make dramas… I think this artist‘s style is most adaptable to everything in between drama and comedy. That being said, this manga is good… that ntr manga was really not good xDI'm glad the artist got some good author and story that matches their style not the NTR dumpster fire that they got last time.