
Power Uploader
Nov 12, 2018
@WeeBDestroyer So, me calling them out, for the truth is disrespectful, but them sniping a series we did for all 19 chapters in far worse quality, wasnt?

we sniped their series because they wouldn't update fast enough, as well as to a good enough quality, i'd of understood if it was the other way around, but this is petty revenge.

if they HAD cared, they'd of stuck to the series they had, but they didnt.
Apr 26, 2020
@IAmInept im not calling you out.. i just pointing it isn't right either way.. there is a place in time but going directly to their homepage to do that is too much ... it's like for example going to someone school to jump them because of a dispute there having... or in other words ain't there a better place this then directly attacking them. the comments is ruined because of this dispute.
Power Uploader
Apr 23, 2020
Here's a message for us all to ponder...

We are around 9 years yes... we only just got back like 1 month and a half.. the reason that we take a hiatus is because of people being greedy and sniping small scanlation groups with their series. so nothing is new about scanlations.. still same people.

Ok, let me enlighten all of you. We are behind 2 weeks on uploading in mangadex, on Peach and the Book of the Last days Manhua, but we have released and we are 1 chapter advance on our site. Then suddenly we saw this scanlation group that releases chapter 1 in English on Mangadex.. so I thought that they didn't search enough and mistakenly scanlated it, but then one after another the other scanlation group releases more.. 2,3,4 chapters. so we thought, is the other scanlation group doesn't search and click the one who is already scanlating it? then came the 3 chapters at once releases of that scanlation group, so I said, whoa, these people are rude.. they are sniping our release.. the series is not even popular and we are just enjoying it. so I thought well, we've battled long enough and had experience doing it for over nine years... So I gathered all of our friends and scanlation group collaborators to come help.. old friends in this scanlation scene.. way back in batoto days.. like 2009 lol..

So, we search this other scanlation group what is the most popular series they have..? To be Honest.. we didn't know about this group and the "Leveling UP Manhwa" either way that's the best choice we have.. we ought to snipe 2 manhwas, my friends say.. the other one we are currently working as of now is the "Destined for .. like that lol. it's like 36 chapters.. sooo... Moving on... Our friends in Korea bought the entire Raw chapter of Leveling UP for us (thank you Bro. you know who you are! chapter 1 - 25 baby ) We speed scan it.. we had fun.. some foods, chats and all.. after all, scanlation I supposed be fun right? Then after we finish it in 3 days. we all at once released it. the rest is history.

We are not bully, We are just a laid back scanlator. But being disrespectful is not our cup of tea.. And Sniping is not our style either... But we don't have a choice, do we? We just retaliated what the other scanlation group did. and sorry to say we cannot undo it, we will continue scanlating. Let there be a lesson to those scanlation groups that prey on the small scanlation group who only enjoys what they scanlating and suddenly you snatched it to them... Whether they are not that good and you feel there is something off. Wouldn't it be nice for you to just Message them and give them pointers and how to work around their series so they can have a better quality of translation? or even in redraws? (btw your redraws sucks realtime..) compare our Peach Chapter 10 and yours.. then you'll see that you can just translate good.. but your redraws? ugh... Please keep also in mind that Scanlating is just isn't shoving your "Quality" translation and putting it on the image. let me remind you that it is an illustration and ignoring redraws is just plain dumb. What you have to do is still 50 - 50 .. you do translation and you do redraws.. simple as that.

So I think you are all bored reading this long post... Then Let's have a break... The chapter 21 of Leveling Up will come later. Cheers!
Power Uploader
Nov 12, 2018
You see, here's something else to contemplate from this giant baby.

They are 9 years old, and couldn't properly scanlate a series, we didn't find the listing on Mangadex, due to its badly translated name, and lack of alternate names to help show it when searched for, we created a new listing, and posted out chapters, these idiots, with their lack of common sense, could of contacted us, but they didn't, now, any normal group would of decided to mass release the series they were getting sniped on.

TLDR; big dick brain mgee here decided it would be smarter to snipe another series that's already done, because common sense is no longer very common, and nor does it seem there is a requirement of basic English when releasing chapters.

Power Uploader
Apr 23, 2020
lol, you're just too salty and you're not that dumb to not find it coz there's alt name, we aren't born yesterday, you kids don't know the meaning of respecting others. put this on your super dumb no sense SEARCHING capability of yours, you are not special. You knew you are sniping and you already ADMIT IT lol... you are not privileged either, for you to decide who and how to scanlate anything. we just retaliated and you are crying like a baby, take is as a man and retaliate too... since you started it.. you only know how to snipe, but when you are the one who's being snipe on.. you just cry? come on man.. you brought this to yourself.... don't cry.. fight!

I'm amazed that you even had the courage on posting here with your rudeness... I am really disappointed. Your rudeness will not go anywhere, You are just putting fuel to the fire... You admit you are sniping then you go on Blabbing your mouth again. lol, what a douche.

Anyway, Here's a question for you... why'd you sniped an unpopular manhua? When you have a popular Manhua to maintain? Really? What's your cause? because you can? Well, guess what.. we can too... Another thing, did you even read our releases in Peach? I guess not, and if you read it now.. you probably will be all over biased on judging it. That's it for now I guess.. We got a Chapter 21 to release.
Apr 23, 2020
Are you people dumb? You think sniping is okay? and still coming to our group page showing your rudeness.
Power Uploader
Apr 23, 2020
lol another one who is super salty, tell you what? Obey your cult scanlation group and block our releases, simple as that dum-dum. He painstakingly made a how-to on that.. hahaha. where's your brain? looolll, the hells wrong with you people? You think sniping is ok? Check yourself again. What happen? Mom never teach you GMRC?
Apr 26, 2020
@Grail i feel sorry for you that you have to deal with this keep working hard you beautiful group.. also Filipino forever😄
Apr 4, 2018
if anything, if both sides don't come to a compromise then it's fine with two versions, readers could choose which group they want to read from. and just because one group has better quality than the other, doesn't mean they could prosecute the other for having "worst" quality. no one owns a series, honestly. scanlating is all about the experience, improvement and enjoying the whole process.
and I understand English enough to understand the gist or nuance of the sentence. I don't want people insulting other groups because of something like that. doing that honestly would only cut off part of your lifeline of mangas (groups get tired of hate comments and decide to stop scanlating entirely). I don't want people putting down others because they couldn't do something as well as.
Jun 3, 2019
Tbh I’m only off put because of the sniping. But I guess sniping is just common drama amongst the MD community. Lmao
Apr 6, 2020
Hi, just wondering. Did something happen with your website? I have been trying to enter but I can’t. I was wondering if you know why..

Edit: Uh, never mind, I think it works now. I think it was my internet that wasn’t working. Well, either way, thanks for your translations!
Dec 25, 2019
I prefer to read on a scanlate team website, but yours not only has http instead of https, but also has that stupid slow scroll animation that makes it completely impossible to read for me without getting dizzy. So I have to find some other sites to read your work, it's too inconvinient otherwise.

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