A little translation note, the announcer likes to use english words in french (because he's extravagant and over the top) and I thought about translating those to spanish at first but decided against it after all.
I really want the flute girl to come back into the story at some point.
After all we saw her getting slashed but absolutely nothing after that. No confirmation that she's actually dead or something.
@Rol do you indent to translate the little off panel at the beginning of the vol 11 ? I think he's important because he brings context about why Tony did this Broom Broom Cup whereas he made Seth refuse the sorcery tournament and made him hate the competition. You know without it you may be confused because Tony do a little bit the opposite of what he did before
@Jugo-kun I don't think I will, I haven't done it for previous volumes and I think the explanation given by Taj for why having races is a good thing is enough.
it's nice to see Hamelin get mentioned again, but then it feels bad cuz she's gone
if this were any run-of-the-mill japanese shounen series, seeing those mice again would probably hint at her returning, but I don't really see that happening here :^[