that's the point, Ragna is the basically only human in the world who is dragon-king level - who have the most bullshit powers among the dragons. literally only gilzea - the absolute strongest, is confirmed to be more bullshit than RagnaI always chuckle whenever the dragon Basically say "This human is Bullshit" (Say the dragon faction that has more bullshit Powers)
that's the point, Ragna is the basically only human in the world who is dragon-king level - who have the most bullshit powers among the dragons. literally only gilzea - the absolute strongest, is confirmed to be more bullshit than Ragna
the blowjob will be Atomic~
hitting him isnt that easy though? also factors are how many of those bullets hes capable of producing and how effective theyd actually be on someone who isnt artmesiaSpeaking of bullshit, it has now occurred to me that Crimson has something that can kill a Dragon King in literally one shot - his suicide bullets, which Hazella used to kill Artemisia. Why aren't they used more often? Golem specialises in sniping… one good shot at Bagram is all needed to secure victory.
I know the answer, of course. The plot must go on.