Raise wa Tanin ga Ii

Feb 5, 2021
I just love this manga. I’ve been following it since the beginning, back on mangarock lol. Its rare that I find a manga where I’m equally invested in the plot as I am in the romance. It’s dark, it’s got romance, it’s got action, and the original art style?! amazing

I love yoshino as the fl. At first you think she’s normal and that kirishimas the one that’s nuts (which he is, and the sooner you accept that the better), but then you see that Yoshino can totally hold her own. She’s nuts in her own way, and definitely yakuza through and through, despite however normal she might want to be. I love her badass moments. And Kirishima is certified crazy, but likeable when you accept that’s just how he is. I like watching his character development, in particular how he gradually is coming to realize the depth of his feelings towards Yoshino AND just how capable she is despite him.

Something I also love about this manga is the quality and attention to detail in the art. The longer you look at the panel, the more little details you see. It makes the story flow so naturally and it’s something I look forward to in each chapter. Like in the last panel on the last chapter, when Yoshino and Kirishima are looking down at that guy, you can see Kirishimas actually got his arm around Yoshino. Idk, things like that rlly put the wind in my sails (of my kirishimaXyoshino ship... lol I’m sorry 🤦🏻‍♀️)

I’m sorry for the rant, I have no one else to talk to about this lol. If you’re considering reading this manga, I do recommend, but don’t come looking for fluff or even a stable relationship lol, we’re not there yet and even when we do, it’s not going to be the typical kind of stability. But so worth the read.

Also: huge thank you to the tl for bringing us this story, thanks for being awesome and I honestly wish the very best for you lol
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 2, 2018
It really does get much better. The 1st 4 chapters or so are pretty bad than it heats up.
Jun 3, 2019
First - thanks for the update
Secondly - maaaaan at first I really really hate that punk kirishima but well I dislike him even now, I think he’s purely trash for a FL like her and the fact that she’s obligated to be with him is seriously nerve racking, better be with the onii-san childhood friend.
Finally - FL can you marry me please ?!
Apr 6, 2020
i seriously don’t understand understand how people ship Yoshino and Kirishima or Shouma. like ones a complete scum and the other is like her bother like that’s weird 😭✋🏾 moral of the story no man alive deserve Yoshino
Mar 12, 2020
Oh my God that was amazing. that last panel, man. aaaaaaaay son u dun f'd up xD The more I reflect on yoshino and kirishima's relationship the more I notice that when it comes down to business, their minds easily click. Both Yoshino and Kirishima are able to pick up on the other and back each other up verbally and physically. like don't get me wrong, it's still a toxic relationship, but for work they get along surprisingly well.
And as much as I love Aoi, he doesn't speak up nearly as much with Yoshino as kirishima does. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, because it comes from a place of trust and that he knows he can't change her mind anyway, but from what I can understand he's content with Yoshino taking the lead.
It might be because kirishima knows more than Yoshino about whatever is going on politically between the yakuza groups, but he's been trying to rein things in without Yoshino getting too involved- which seems to have backfired spectacularly in Kobe.
Like Renji said before, Yoshino takes everything in stride and can make a home anywhere. Being affiliated with Yakuza is just how her life happens to be, and she's not going to fight it. She knows how to live in the world she was given, she's aware of what's socially acceptable (lol especially with her yakuza family), and how to use it to her advantage. I absolutely love her character. it's fascinating...!
And it makes me wonder just what renji and kirishima are trying to protect Yoshino from...? I assume it has something to do with them instigating a war, but idk what the end goal is...? I think I missed that part xD I'll prolly have to reread it again. Also I love this fucking artwork. so damn gorgeous. they've improved a lot since they started...!
May 23, 2020
No, I don’t like Kirishima. He cannot be trusted. Yes, I do love Souma, she can rely on him whenever forever.
Jul 26, 2019
I'm confused why people keep getting triggered. Dude, they are end game, so accept it or move on I guess? At this point, story would go downhill if they don't end up together, and honestly, they make sense as a power couple.
Nov 13, 2020
They do fit each other as partner in crime but not as a couple imo.

I do hope yoshino wouldn’t end up with him. I mean.. we all know she deserve better, right?
Aggregator gang
Apr 11, 2020
@sneksylady I've also been following since Mangarock! I absolutely love this so much (both the romance and story) and I re-read this a lot and not one time have I not found something new whether it be dialogue or art. Yosino x Kirishima is also my ship (even though objectively Shouma is better for her), and I am smitten with both our leads!
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
The male lead in this is bat-shit insane, not even exaggerating 😂 It's pretty entertaining
Aug 24, 2020
I’ve come to terms that yoshino and kirishima r end game. So the recent chapter was hella funny and cute, I can’t wait to see their relationship grow 😆😆
Apr 23, 2020
Unless kirishima changes his psychotic behaviour for the better I really dont think I'll be rooting for kirishima and yoshino as a couple 💀💀💀 it's a toxic relationship and yoshino deserves none of that... as for shouma,, being the 2nd ml we already know his chances at actually ending up with yoshino lol even though I do like him a lot more than kirishima hhhh
what I am interested to see though,, is if there's a possibility of the "yoshino frees herself from this relationship and becomes an independent happy lady in a peaceful life" endgame 👀👀👀
Sep 15, 2020
I’m torn. Lol. I don’t mind shipping Yoshino with Shouma. At the beginning I do ship Kirishima with Yoshino. But whenever I see how much Yoshino means to Shouma their ship sails too. >.<

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