@ChrosisOria (confused by the above post): I can no longer edit that post, so reply to my own post
The whole point of the series is that Ran is a KID. A kid, by definition, is not an adult. The series makes quite a point of driving home that she believes to be an adult, yet is still a child, and so acts like a child while (childisly) wanting to be treated like an adult.
Yet many comments in many chapters throw a lot of hate at Ran (even in this thread, clamoring for punishment for her) for acting childisly instead of like an adult would act.
Which is properly hilarious because that's exactly how this manga's resident creep acts: refusing to acknowledge that Ran has a 10-old mind just because she's
tall and has boobies got a magical adult body.
Did that resolve your confusion, my friend? Apologies for not having been more clear to begin with.