this author is a deviant he probably hates everyone after the debacle he was forced to go through by his editor after prison school and the fact that lots of dumb children dont understand how the industry works so they blame it on akira rather than the publisher who forced him to keep going.
¿Como va el tema de las traducciones en Inglés? ¿Las hacen AloneSCAN o algún asociado? ¿Son hechas desde el Español?
También, las releases en Español son en Castellano ¿No?
It's always interesting to see as always when people protest a lot, give low ratings, but have an insane number of readers : still reading.
<- I just want to try reading, but it doesn't seem interesting.
Read it cuz I liked Prison School but I’m kinda disappointed. Prison School had a premise to go by but I’m not really sure what’s going on in RaW Hero.