Alright so About the whole daywithoutgames dudes comment, simply ignore him apparently he's hating this series yet somehow force to read it and pick and choose what to shit on in the chapter, and most of the time it's him reading way to into it and assuming shit, for instance the whole "rape goblin girl's" shit he's talking about, he didn't say it, and even more so seems to hate the thought of rape, since when he finally could he to help the first group of kidnapped girls, and even start shit to save theses girl's, yes he tortured and killed some of his people, but Honestly the times he did, they deserve it, and pretty sure most people would in the scenarios, and yeah he hard on sparring with people but because of the and the training, he got a strong group of goblins that's better than the rest of the generation of goblins, look ignore my comments as well, I just wanted to say feeling on this shit, the daywithoutgames guy needs to get laid/jerk it or something, fuck find a new fucking manga there's literally thousands on here lloll why stay if you hate something, especially when your not force to read it