"We'll come back to mess with your life again and again until you're no longer better than us!""Don't judge us the people that keep fucking with your life even though we stopped having contact! How dare you!!"
Until this title finishes its publication."We'll come back to mess with your life again and again until you're no longer better than us!"
The problem is that he didn't even try to help or stop her.That guy is scum, true. But on one thing I have to agree with him and I'd like to lecture MC on it. MC said some really helper syndrome BS there. People with a screw lose aren't that easy to be helped and told what to do. Just being there for them from time to time and give them well ment advise isn't sufficed and it is much harder to stand next to them then with people, who you still can consider sane. At least those are sometimes listening to you.
No seriously wtf. Where are the fucking teachers, they just heard all this shit about the long term bullying and allowed it all to keep going. Suspensions? Expulsions? Sent to psych for what is clearly long time psychopathy?After so many chapters of this bitch being such a toxic cunt this wasn't really a satisfying conclusion. The fuckboy didn't even get any comeuppance.
Wish that crowd that was ready to get violent with Kotoko would have lynched those two pieces of shit but I know it's not that kind of manga.
The school staff is only there to make sure the victims don't get rowdy and try to hit back. Just like in a real school.Where the fuck is the school staff at any given time? 3 teachers to watch a broadcast both and no one at the actual event to kick out rowdy students?