Just caught up to the latest chapter as of now, Ch.116.
This story felt surreal all the way through with all the over the top setting that I felt like dropping many times (did dropped at one point), but the issue they tried to explore, on the other hand, felt it was basing on some real issue and/or interesting that I wanted to see the conclusion they'll reach (although the issues are shallow most of the time and the conclusion always felt a bit cheesy in the end for me). It's kinda love-hate situation that keep pushing me away on one hand, and pulling me in on the other.
Best suggestion would be give it a read for yourself for some few chapters. The tone you see will pretty much run the whole series, at least up to where I am. If you make it to the conclusion of an arc (which could be very far in, don't remember anymore when was the first conclusion), the same sort of conclusion will be there for you the next arc and the arc after. The story just felt somewhat more 'real' to me about somewhere after Ch.100. Personally, don't really recommend it to everyone, but I can see some people will enjoy it still. So, give it a try and decide for yourself if this is your cup of tea or not. Who knows, you might find it a guilty pleasure like me.