Hm. They were up a little bit ago, so I assume their web host had died. When I go to a bookmark link for them, it displays the following error:wtf happend
Flame Scans and Cosmic Scans also went down.They rebranded apparently
what's the clone site name?From a couple reddit posts. (a twitter announcment of a takedown)
Apparently, the realmscans owner got screwed hard, kakao found their personal info and filed a takedown request and charging him with illicit distributing kakao webtoons, distributing copyrighted work with consent and profiting from it. They could be in huge legal trouble.
Edit: he got arrested too apparently"
Somebody managed to clone the site before everything.
found it thanks!you can find the new site on any of the leech sites/aggregators that have their *.5 chapters from the last 2 days. each one had the new website, just take out the S
Wait which sites/mangas? I've looked over a few of them and I couldnt find ityou can find the new site on any of the leech sites/aggregators that have their *.5 chapters from the last 2 days. each one had the new website, just take out the S
post the new site? I cant find it.found it thanks! you
post the new site? I cant find it.