Recently this World Became Mine Only...... - Vol. 4 Ch. 85 - Limited To One

Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
I kind of liked it. Not the best one out there but worth reading anyway.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
Damn, three years... I guess I feel pretty lucky that I started reading this less than two weeks ago, and by the time I got caught up there was only a week left to wait for the last chapter. Anyhow, that you for the good translation work, scanlators! This was definitely a pretty sexy manga, really liked the characters. Kinda sad fat boy didn't actually get to bang a hottie, though.
Feb 17, 2018
I've been reading this for about 2 years, and i must say, what a great ride. Like look, the end is technically what every English teacher in high school tells you never to do when ending story's but hey, I thought it summed it all up pretty well and lets all be honest, we got this far mostly for the ecchii anyway ?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
The only redeeming quality of this is that it finally ended. Scrapping ~80 chapters of storyline must be the trend among bad authors. I wonder whether he realizes that "it was all a dream" doesn't really fix anything.
Double-page supporter
Apr 8, 2018
To all of us that only stayed because it left too many unanswered questions to leave it comfortably ???
Apr 19, 2018
Honestly I'm disappointed.

Not because the ending was bad.
It was okay
But the anticipated plot twist was rather bland.
Alot people guessed she is in coma

Perhaps it was my expectation that deceive me
Aggregator gang
Jan 22, 2018
In my opinion it ended about as well as it could have done. It's also clear the author was going for that all along. The visual of the overturned ship in the desert was pretty great.
Fed-Kun's army
May 17, 2018
I still think it was due to cancellation - the fact he got given the time to get even 4 episodes to wrap up anything was generous of the publishers.

Also note that the author hasnt exactly had much sucess after this series - after a short series called my sister+ ended his most recent series [a 2017 supernatural demon fighting series called "Saya"] didnt even make it past one volume!

Is it a sign that maybe hes a better artist that a writer? or is he just a one trick pony when it comes to writing ["who cares about plot so long as i put tits and ass in it"]?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
definitely looks axed, but seems like author closed almost all plotholes

and that last part... definitely she is a sex crazed girl, just that she repress her in rl. or else why would the first chapter show her going in underwear to the streets...
Jan 18, 2018
Man, while I'm glad it's up and done, ending was just about as much of a letdown as I sadly suspected. We get all this characterization to invest in and then some development where Miku gradually becomes less self-centered, only to then be told none of that was the real her. It's hard to relate to the real Miku, as she is not only a separate personality from the other Miku, but we're to still consider her important despite what limited time we had to know the real Miku. Even worse, we're told the false persona was all inspired by an online game?! Come on. :mad:

Ending doesn't feel right, and I don't really mind so much about having already figured out that this was purgatory, but there are several unexplained details still gaping out. For one, the sudden disappearances and reappearances that only Miku notices; if her friends were responsible for such, then why? Why bother to switch out Porky for Mutsuki? Why bother to leave Miku alone with Eri for three days? What were those monsters that only everyone but Miku could see? What exactly motivated her friends to have her cross over into the afterlife? Their motives were left ambiguous, and wanting, especially when they're the characters you see the most out of. I honestly suspect the author rushed this ending due to real life interference, as there are still loose threads dangling out awkwardly. The ending was most certainly not an ideal one, and I even wonder if the ending was initially even going to be about her friends being the "bad guys." Some might've thought this series was a crash and burn to happen, but I saw something interesting and lewd as hell get wasted away. It's just not every manga you get a rather unlikeable character who is not only shameless and self-centered, but also manages to stay interesting enough. Hell, how often are you going to see someone who is not only afraid of the dark but has sex to fall asleep through it?
Double-page supporter
Jun 30, 2018
That was such a huge plot twist. Like I KNOW that this "plot twist" is over used and predictable but its SO over used that i never even possibly imagined it would ACTUALLY be used. Fucking wild and kinda sad at the same time. I wish there was more of an original way to wrap up the story
Group Leader
Jun 1, 2018
A long time ago when this was like 5 chapters long, I made the assumption that she wasn't some crazy bimbo who had sex all the time but in a coma learning right and wrong, maybe I was partially right.
Active member
Nov 11, 2018
I wouldn't mind the plot twist if they at least did some foreshadowing or maybe drop some clues into her real world.

But this shit was just straight up, "it was all a dream" and nothing that happened mattered.
Apr 3, 2019
Artwork was great. I have to disagree with people who say that "this was a dream" was a cop out. After all, miki had to journey through a world in order to understand what was going on. I knew it was her brother the entire time. Some things that were left unanswered: why did people keep disappearing and reappearing? Why was her brother able to control the world? Why were there shadows of fish and people? Why couldn't miki see the monsters and what was their purpose? Why didn't eri or miki freak out when they were travelling alone and ruins of buildings after crossing a wall? While the author wasn't able to answer a lot of these questions, I liked the journey to the afterlife concept.
Apr 7, 2019
Great beginning and mystery but the ending being all a video game or whatever was retarded....I played a lot of Silent Hill and I assumed she was in purgatory or something like it. She was so mind fucked about her brother raping her that she repressed her memories and everyone she met in that world were different parts of her subconscious in the form of former friends trying to fix her head so she'd be ready to move on to heaven or something like that...but nope....again my imagination made the story better but in reality shitty plot twist...seriously a fucking video game....Enough with the Isekai tropes Japan...sigh. I thought she was in a coma because maybe she tried to kill herself but ended up in the hospital....the stalker reveal still would of worked great if it was death disguised as her brother...Kind of like the Silent Hill monsters look different to everyone in Silent Hill cause that's how it works. Past mistakes, guilt, lust...etc made into a form some monster chasing you.

I gotta give the author some credit....the MC girl using masturbation, sex and exhibitionism to combat her anxiety, fears and past scars was pretty sweet. It's not too far from real life and what people do insane things to avoid something truly dreadful be it life or a past memory.
Nov 6, 2018
@Cassie_Hack Her brother never rape her in the real world, he just kissed her; "that flashback" was a twisted version of events or to be more accurate, it never happen since it combines her game persona memories.

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