@permisan stories have downtime and exposition for the world to plot to make any sense, read any xianxia if you want a degenerate excitement fest with no plot, or just have patience or stockpile chapters like literally everyone else,
If the overall story has a higher quality, i can wait a few chapters after every huge series of battles. Or rather, not only did the father's fight happen right before, but everything else huge also happened in quick succession right before that, The pacing is honestly great so i find it even more difficult to see your tiring perspective regarding this manhua.
this chapter was there to show how uncharacteristically irritable the mc is right now, that he's actually the one who's purposely starting the fight thought to be a crisis last chapter.
His transformation easily being one of the most interesting parts of this already interesting manhua, it's good to take the time to flesh it out.
This chapter is build to next chapter, just as most of all chapters partly are in well-written stories. the last burst of excitement being the start of the payoff which will end in the middle of a later chapter and then immediately start slowly building up to a next thing.
If you feel greatly offended by healthy author writing styles and schedules, stockpiling it will make all of your personal worries invalid.
don't ruin the experience by bitching to people who actually have the patience to follow along.
it'd be great if the release was quicker but unless the chapters are being split there's no point or any result in being angry