@Flashplayer0CD I did read that one, and it was boring as fuck, because she was predictably and cartoonishly evil from the start, with no personality traits besides
"hue hue I'm evil and I betrayed the MC for poorly-written reasons", blatantly crafted to be nothing but a doll to target all your frustrations on and not even someone that registers as a person in your brain. So it's not that you won't feel shit for her as you put it, but that you won't feel shit
about her.
This is an actual person, with her own personal agenda, and her likable sides, and her own interesting story and powers and probably a backstory that is fully independent of the MC. If the author plays his cards right from this point, she could potentially develop into a great villain the way Griffith, Gendo or Homura are instead of a generic evil person from generic revenge isekaishit manga.