Records of the Mystic Gardens - Ch. 51 - Aftermath Managment

Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
What an extremely Chinese thing to say. Although I disagree with that approach to governing, and quite vehemently at that, I don't hate it. There's a fairly logic-driven approach to it so that it doesn't feel like it's just dumb propaganda.

It does make me wary that that's what it might devolve into later on, though. God damn do I hope they don't fuck this up.
Aug 28, 2020
@Legion_01 he's referring to how China's totalitarian government is eerily similar to how the pavilion is portrayed here, extreme control for the sake of so called security. Although I get his point, I personally disagree cause we have to take into account the context that in this case none of the characters are actually loyal to the Pavilion, Zhan Hao is only in it for his personal interests, I see it as him upholding his part in being affiliated with the pavilion while also following the procedure due to him agreeing with it in this particular case. I see zero Chinese government propaganda in this series, hell, from what I've seen, some of its ideas contradict the dogma of the Chinese government, but that's just me.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@Legion_01 There were those protests a while back about that totalitarian credit system which serves as a nice entry-level introduction to the type of country China wants to become, or those "re-education camps" they put literal millions of people into if you want to go straight to where their methods get truly horrific. And if you're more into the truly existential dread about the future like I am, you might want to google the shit they get up to with that burgeoning face-recognition industry. It's all very much worth reading or watching a documentary about.

@Blastronaught12 That's not wrong at all, which is why I said I'm wary of it becoming propaganda instead of downright calling it as such.

The thing about China is that its government is allowed to and in the past has interfered with even full-on fantastic works like this to force the authors to shoehorn in propaganda. For example, there's a reason why I'm an Evil God went beyond full retard, like at least 420% retard for that one arc (and only that one arc), and the reason isn't that the author doesn't know what he's doing, as demonstrated by everything preceding and succeeding said retarded portion, but that China specifically has a governing branch dedicated specifically to this type of shenanigan.

Expect fucking anything.
Oct 28, 2018
@NoTofu no one is going to underestimate a ten foot tall sentient being with a large body, stupid name notwithstanding.
Aug 20, 2020
Ideologies are often a balance between pragmatism and idealism. In the world of mystic gardens, monsters exist and the Pavillon has to resort to very pragmatic levels of control that have totalitarian undertones in order to guarantee relative safety for the city.

The propagandist aspect is that it is normalising pragmatism for real life where it's not warranted: China isn't plagued with supernatural monsters or a similar danger, yet the government is trying methods analogous to those of the Pavillon.
Active member
Jan 24, 2019
It's not even just China. This is similar to gun control laws elsewhere in the world, and even in the blue states in the US.
Apr 2, 2020
Mystic gardens are very harmful for everyone except the user cause they form a vicious circle "need power to defend against stronger gardens" ----> "own mystic garden becoming more powerful and unstable" ----> "need to stabilize the garden by summoning other people". So it's only natural for goverment to be highly agressive in their approach.
As for real world politics, not gonna lie, It doesn't feels right to have a total control from the goverment, but seeng chinese propaganda in everything remotely similar is kinda scary too. Because I know that more often then not the louder goverment screams about freedom and democracy the more vicious goals they have in mind.
Aug 15, 2020
I like this series. It has an fairly unique story, and a weird style, but in a good way. If it only wasn't chinese
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
still the United States and its allies
much like with mass surveillance (Patriot Act which got renewed in December2019/January2020) set the precedent
and published the blueprints for everyone else to copy
-cant criticize em on the international stage if the default response is great hypocrisy on the U.S' part
when they (U.S and its allies) put Jewish people in Zionist education camps before funneling them into Palestine and hey that worked out wonderfully didn't it?
-and if you so criticize Israel's current state you'll have every democrat and republican calling you an anti Semite
oh and the war on terror was also used as the framework for China's current actions against "muslim terrorism"

a lot of what i hear on the news regarding China seems to be the U.S and its allies using this opportunity to blame others of crimes its also guilty of
that's why im putting this out there
much like Blastronaught12 i didn't really get the vibe of propaganda here, maybe its b/c ive been seduced by the cat girl already and sympathize with her
or perhaps b/c i just want True Zhan Hao back as i don't appreciate the idea of him being charmed and falling behind Onee san Tao Hua
in Evil God, what are you referencing, i didn't feel anything off when i binge read it
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@MolaCola Who the fuck said anything about US? I've never even been there. Or Israel, for that matter. How does any of this shit pertain to what I was saying?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
"a lot of what i hear on the news regarding China seems to be the U.S and its allies* using this opportunity to blame others of crimes its also guilty of
that's why im putting this out there"
emphasis on why im putting this out there
has nothing to do with if you've ever been to Israel or the U.S
that part does pertain to evil china re education camps in the mainstream news in general

as for propaganda being pushed in this
i said
"much like Blastronaught12 i didn't really get the vibe of propaganda here, maybe its b/c ive been seduced by the cat girl already and sympathize with her
or perhaps b/c i just want True Zhan Hao back as i don't appreciate the idea of him being charmed and falling behind Onee san Tao Hua
in Evil God, what are you referencing, i didn't feel anything off when i binge read it"
this is more of the response
while the other was more of a remark
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@MolaCola Well, it's very hard to parse what you're trying to say with that grammar of yours that doesn't even hold up to IRC standards, and it doesn't really help that most of it is an irrelevant rant. I'm not even sure him being charmed has anything to do with this being propaganda-adjacent either. As for Evil God, it definitely had one of those alternate worlds that was blatant propaganda.

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