Reincarnated as the Daughter of the Legendary Hero and the Queen of Spirits - Vol. 5 Ch. 26

Aug 9, 2019
I don't like the direction in which this story and plot is improving

Will somebody tell me if it will improve?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Sending her to the academy will break her, Sauvel you shitty father.
Aug 16, 2020
She has pretty shitty parents. Seriously he seems to be spending more time with ellain then his own daughter. He brought lafila into their house but has seemingly done nothing to ease her transition and make it more comfortable, instead he just shoved her with all these responsibilities and hasn’t been given any care whatsoever.

I was also hoping we moved past the whole thing with the mother having a thing for ravel but it seems that want to keep that plot
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
Wow! I don’t get it... why do I have to read about a side character’s suffering? Does it even have anything to do with the main story? And to waste a whole chapter on it? 😤
Aggregator gang
Jan 21, 2018
Man, Sauvel acts like the MC of a NTR story in both fact and behavior.
Totally powerless and devoid of backbone.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2020
It's called "world building". I know it's a pretty big brain thing that most people don't get, but trust me it's important. It makes the world actually feel like it's lived in and that everyone and thing doesn't just move for the sake of the main character. It's usually the unsung hero on why some stories are good and others are painfully bad/weak.

Amazingly so, what's really sad is it does seem he cares for her.....he's just really bad at being a father. While Rovel is a incredibly doting father who would do the craziest shit for his daughter while trying to keep her out of responsibilities for her own sake. Sauvel is the complete opposite....putting extreme pressure on her to live up to a noble's responsibilities while doing absolutely nothing for her. There's absolutely nothing worth saying about the mom, she's just trying to drown in her own lust....and it seems the way she treats her daughter isn't much different from when they were still peasants. When she was first introduced, I wasn't expecting her to be on the same lvl as that disgusting princess Sauvel was married to...this man has no luck with women.

Minus points on Rovel and Gwandmother for not smacking Sauvel with the facts that he's being a bad father and how to do it better. He knows his daughter sees everyone in the household as an enemy, than they should point out the he should become the ally she depends on. And why the hell are they not letting her interact with Ellen at all!?
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
The mother is trash, the father is ignoring the problems and the child suffer the consequences because of the parents. Everything seem pretty normal at this point.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
Holy mackerel. If it wasn't the fatty was a red flag, now you have a wretch now. It looked good at first, but then her true colors showed.

Been there, done that. Divorce the person before things went way South.
Active member
Feb 16, 2018
Is there anyone in this manga that isn't either completely fucking stupid, or an irredeemable piece of shit?
Active member
Sep 26, 2018
You know it would have been tons more interesting if the wife wasn't just a bad person but just had an obsession with the hero, I mean come on not everything is black and white
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
And this is exactly how scumbag nobles are made, boys and girls.

Real props to that maid, though. Took one step to take the hit for the girl, then completely acted like it didn't even bother her. That's an incredible woman right there.
Dec 10, 2018
Sauvel thinks he’s doing the right thing for his daughter but wow, is he a bad dad. He is single handledly creating a model version of a villainess. The only person who is better at creating villains is Chloe from Miraculous Ladybug.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
The mother's gone in a downward spiral since she basically got personally told by God that she's a piece of shit, the father doesn't know how to be a parent or delegate responsibility despite being a capable ruler that didn't need his brother's help for all of the previous years, grandma has revealed herself to be a detached bitch with severe favoritism despite having all of the free time in the world to spend with her other granddaughter, and the uncle can't be bothered to give proper advice on being a father despite being what appears to be the only competent parent of the lot.
Our MC is hopefully going to be telling off a whole bunch of people for failing as parents/guardians in upcoming chapters.

As bad as the mother has gotten, I do think much of the blame lies with her husband because if he can't spare any time for his daughter, he certainly doesn't have spare time for his wife during the HONEYMOON period when they both could be trying to get past the wedding mess. It's natural for her to sink into depression after everything happens and he just ignores her like she wasn't waiting during 12+ years of no contact to have a proper (and probably idealized) relationship instead of the mess she's been dumped into.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
poor girl, and I hate her already

when the maids are actually her friends but she sees them as enemies
when the background character has more brains than all the protagonists (except the MC it seems)

I don't know what to feel about this manga, I hate them all lmao

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