
Jun 26, 2019
This manga is beautiful. Not necessarily in the artistic sense, but story-telling wise? Tragically beautiful. The character growth and emotional nuance of each character is astonishing. I've cried twice. Only Pixar movies move me to tears (their movie motto).
Apr 2, 2019
@dudsuper not just Nobunaga but Hideyoshi also had an art downgrade compared to everyone else. I guess the author is just in love with the period in Japan where people endlessly died to war, famine, and rape
May 20, 2019
Damn!! Here I was shipping Nobukatsu and Reiri but then the young lord dies😢.... Alas! The ship has sunken

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Dec 30, 2019
oh shit here we go. rough start to the last volume.
i really like this artist by the way. of course the writer doesn't even need to be mentioned.
Dec 12, 2019
Does anyone know if reiri is a made-up figure? Most of the main characters are real people and the story seems to follow history fairly accurately, but I can't seem to find reiri anywhere in real history...
Jan 22, 2018
Yeah, was wondering that as well, so I looked a bit into it. Reiri seems to fit the description "daughter of Okabe Motonobu". Unfortunately not much else in known about her, if you look up Okabe Motonobu, it will helpfully say he had 2 sons (Shinko? and Motomasa?) and a daughter, the wife of Tsuchiya Masatsune. So yeah, we don't even really know what her name is. But almost everything else works out, kinda.
I mean, Okabe Motonobu, or as we know him in the manga Okabe Tanba-no-kami, called Reiri his daughter. And with this last chapter Reiri and Souzou pretty much married, right? Ok, maybe that's stretching things a bit. But the interesting bit is that this mystery wife and her son (Tsuchiya Tadanao or Heizaburou) are mentioned as surviving the battle of Tenmokuzan together, just like in the manga.

So you won't find anything about Reiri in history probably, but this mystery woman comes pretty close. Too bad nobody cared to note anything down about her, not even her bloody name. Then again, Reiri's much more interesting anyway. Or not. We actually don't know.
Nov 25, 2018
Just wanted to say that this is far and away my favorite current manga. Waiting intently for the finale. I'm a huge Japanese history dork and the carefully researched realistic setting and characters are so well executed and so believable and lifelike it blows my mind. Art is very good and the writing is spectacular. The elements of comedy mixed in with the action and high drama make it feel very real, and the emotional gut punches in the last few chapters have been some of the most deeply felt in recent memory for me. I'm a huge sucker for
uncharacteristic emotional confessions, love that can never be fulfilled because of duty taking precedence, and heroic self-sacrifice/going knowingly to one's certain death with pride and courage for loyalty/honor/duty. Souzou-dono is the ideal bushi here.

Thanks so much to everyone working on scanlating this wonderful series. I probably would have tried to struggle through it with my limited Japanese reading ability, but I might never have known it existed if it weren't picked up, and being able to read it in English without having to slog through looking things up or getting confused because I misunderstood something every few pages really adds to the weight of the experience, and this manga deserves to be engaged with full-on.
Nov 25, 2018
Best series I've read in some time, and I really enjoyed the ending, something that often seems to be kind of lacking in even manga that I love overall. I'm glad she didn't
find the death in battle she so desperately sought in the early and middle parts, and that Sozou-dono's son was able to lead a good and successful life.
relationship of mutual respect with Tokugawa Ieyasu
was a nice touch, and the general adept way in which her story is woven into actual historical events and characters is just brilliant. Fantastic job by Iwaaki-sensei, Muroi-sensei, and the translation team. Thanks for bringing this wonderful work to the world in English. Will gladly buy any official translation immediately if it becomes available, and am looking into getting the Japanese tanks. Beyond my modest JP reading ability but will be nice to own and fun to try to read anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2020
Prolly one of the best reads in a while..... I’ll miss it

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