Im well aware of that and I already have literal experience with a cheating b*tch, problem was she cheated on me with my Bro (Buddy), who actually told me that and just how much shit she was talking about me... she also later cheated on him. My current GF sadly gives me sometimes signs which trigger a sort of flashback to this situation, doesent help that all relations with the oposite sex I ever had were, lets face it weird at best.
Starting of with my close to almost being reverse raped by my younger cousin story (I was in my last term of grade school, so around 11y to 12y old) , the second one featuring that one crazy chick that tried to make me a bloodpact and actually slit my wrist and licked it, then comes my first real GF and the thing I already mentioned and lastly the girl that hang around me because she thought me and my then cheated on Bro (Buddy) were gay... culminating in my current relationship with this utterly sweet but sometimes slightly weird introvert girl that I call my current GF... I call my self a Gamer and a pretty hard one at that but she, to call it simply she dosent play a varaity of games but the stuff she plays, she plays to perfection and often leading to rage induced screaming when it doesent work out like it should, also ad in the fact she writtes fanfictions on an almost insane level of detail... I will omit what kind of, that her sleppin posture is BAAAAAAD and her sleep talking terifies me sometimes... yeah, most normal relationship so far.